
Showing posts from August, 2008

Counting down..less than a month to go

I just cant wait for 25th September to come..Cepatla, seriously tak sabar.. Sorry cant say it out loud what it is or i'll ruin the surprise. Hopefully whatever I have planned will go on smoothly. For the time being need to get things done before that date and it will be a busy month this September. Come on Huda. you can do this just need to stop fooling around and wasting time.


I'm sooooooooo happy today. Despite of my experiment that didn't go well and really screwed result. I'm just sooo happy. My mum text me this morning and told me that the whole family is coming over this December for holiday and they're staying for a month here.I'm just so excited. Can't wait to take them around Brissy and Qld. Hopefully if there's cheap ticket to Sydney, I'll be bringing them down there to see the Opera House too. Though my dad will only be here for a week but that didn't matter. The best thing is that they will be celebrating raya haji kat sini. Mum want to stay until boxing day but my sis PMR result will be released after Xmas and my bro needs to get back to uni after Xmas as well. It doesn't matter as long as they will be coming here.. I'm so happy that I'm running out of words..Luv u guys. Cant wait for December.

Danke schon

Yesterday, after a tiring day at uni I went home and checked my email. I was surprised that there was an email from Germany. It was from my previous supervisor Victor. I haven't heard from him since he left Aussie and went back to German. Nice to know that he was doing great there. Victor was my supervisor at IMB. I work with him for 2 months but it was the best 2 months of lab experience and friendship. Thank you Victor for everything. I really appreciate it.