
Showing posts from September, 2008

Home Sweet Home

It's been 24 hours since I arrived home..It is such a good feeling to be with my family. God, how I missed them so much. I know I'm only back for a short period of time. Therefore, Im gonna make the most out of it. A lot of things have happen for the last 7 months that I was away. Hasif-ape kes??hehe Hajar-ape jd ngan ur face??stress sgt ker?? Hafiz-wow..slim giler and makin meninggi Husna-apsal makin gelap..haha..sorry na..but its the truth Fawwaz-makin besar n bising since dh pandai cakap Ejul-nie sorg lg yg makin gelap Ellyn-apsal makin keding je..hehe These are the people that I've met so far..More surprises to come I heard.. Cant wait nak balik kampung..hehe Finally,

Lantern Festival

Today for the first time I went to a lantern festival and first time holding my own tanglong..hehe..well, it was quite boring at first and I even thought of going home but then some people I know started to show up and things were ok then. The organizers even organize a treasure hunt in coincide with this lantern festival in which we didn't win but it was ok. It's just for fun. Nothing much to tell actually.

Welcome Ramadhan

Today is the first day of the fasting month Ramadhan. To be honest I'm not mentally and physically prepare and I don't even know why. To make things worst, I have class today until 6pm which mean that I have to break my fast in class. Well hopefully I get the most out of this Ramadhan aiming to khatam the Qur'an which I haven't done for the past 2 years.