
Showing posts from January, 2009

Banning for the sake of security??

Seriously aku tak sangka dalam dunia masa kini still ada orang yang berfikiran kolot and pikir yang bukan2 pasal appearance seseorang.   Hujung pangkal die macam nie, aku bukak laptop nak check email. So bukakla yahoo punya homepage as aku pakai yahoomail. tapi disebabkab aku duk kat Australia, die punya homepage yang bukak pun yahoo Autralia la. Then aku terpandang die punya news headlines yang suka highlight menda2 yang sensasi nie, punyala terkejut sebab the first headline says : "Retailers call for ban on hijab, hoodie"   Sbenarnya xdela terkejut sangat sebab banyak je kes mat saleh tak boleh terima orang pakai tudung in public. Macam kes kat France brape tahun lepas yang ban orang Islam pakai tudung kat sekolah. Tapi tak sangka benda tue ada kat sini jugak. Dahla yang wat comment tue radio announcer Brisbane.    Bila terpandang tue, macam2 perasaan timbul tapi mostly rase sedih and nak marah pun ada. Ada ke die kate nie bukan pasal

The January Birthday Bash

Ahad lepas bersamaan dengan 4 January bersamaan dengan 7 Muharam, kitorg wat birthday party for budak2 yang lahir bulan January. ramaila plak budak2 nie yang lahir bulan nie: Hajar, Ciktie, Soul and Diana. Rahim as well tapi disebabkan die dah balik Malaysia tak dapat nak sambut sekali. Punyela perah otak kan nak buat apa utk birthday dorg last2 Ciktie request buat ikan bakar disebabkan die dah bosan dengan menu biasa bbq iaitu ayam, daging, kambing and sausage. So disebabkan yang diraikan dah request sebegitu, kitorg pn decide nk wat masakan kampung. Nasi, ikan sumbat bakar, daging bakar, air asam, sambal belacan, kerabu mangga and last but not least ulam. Memula igt wat ulam timun je pastue bile pergi Darra the day before jumpe Kacang Botol. OMG!! kacang botol kot, lame giler tak makan kacang botol. Aku pn without hesitate terus beli kacang botol tue. Our food for the day Rindunya nak balik Malaysia and makan mende2 nie. Kalau kat M'sia ikan sumbat tue m

Reminder to all and myself

Since sekarang nie bulan muharram, jadi kita akan berjumpa dengan hari Ashura iaitu hari Allah menyelamatkan Bani Israil dari musuh mereka seperti yang dalam hadith berikut: Ibn 'Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came to Madeenah and saw the Jews fasting on the day of 'Ashura'. He said, 'What is this?' They said, 'This is a righteous day, it is the day when Allaah saved the Children of Israel from their enemies, so Musa fasted on this day.' He said, 'We have more right to Musa than you,' so he fasted on that day and commanded [the Muslims] to fast on that day." (Reported by al-Bukhaari, 1865). Jadi insyaAllah ada reward yang lumayan untuk mereka yang berpuasa pada hari tersebut, iaitu terhapus dosa-dosa untuk satu tahun: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "For fasting the day of 'A

Fresh start for a new beginning

The first post for the new beginning!!. Another year older, another year of hard work, another year of fun and another year closer to kubur.hehehe.. (Well, we are not getting any younger kan?). Even though today is the first day of a new year but it’s already the 4th day of the new year in the Hijrah calendar. A new beginning does not complete without the new year resolution and I like to share my resolution with you guys so that you can remind me of them whenever I forgets. Here goes the list.. 1. Be closer to Allah 2. Khatam Al-Quran at least once 3. Get at least distinction in all subjects 4. Have more savings 5. Go to Japan & Korea This is all that I could think for the time being. Have a great 2009 everybody!!