
Showing posts from August, 2015

Visiting William Shakespeare

Hi there, Now that I'm done with student life, I can finally update my travel stories here. Especially the places that I visited in the last two months when my cousin and my dad came for a visit. I'll start with a place that is quite close to Coventry, where people from all over the world come to visit. The place is called Stratford-Upon-Avon, the birthplace of William Shakespeare. This is actually my third time visiting this place (The first time I was here was when I visited UK back in 2009. I came here again last winter with my mum and my sister) but it's the first time I entered the birthplace and other houses related to Shakespeare's life. Welcome to Stratford Map of the town and the various places of interest First of all, you need a ticket to enter historic buildings. You can buy the ticket online or at the Birthplace Trust. I would really recommend to buy it online as you'll get additional 10% discount with online ticket. There's als

It's a wrap!

Alhamdulillah praise to Allah, I have finally completed this chapter of life. I can't believe that this phase of my live has finally come to an end. To be honest, I'm quite sad that it has ended. I really enjoyed the classes, the assignments, the people that I met, the fun times that I had in the past 12 months. It was really a nice break from work and actually I'm in no rush to go back to the working world. As for now, I'm going to enjoy my break while it lasts and I'm officially penanam anggur terhormat (read: unemployed). Good night! My night and day for the past 3 months One with my supervisor. Please give me good marks for my dissertation Thank you both for all your support for the past 12 months Done done done..yes, I've mastered my dissertation

The Tongue Twister Mexican Food

In the midst of proofreading my dissertation, a friend invited for lunch at the Prayer Hall today. It was actually a last minute farewell for a friend who is going back to Netherlands. So, this friend of mine is Mexican and she cooked for us Mexican food. I was excited as the closest ever to a Mexican food that I ever had was Nacho's, and it's not even a proper Mexican dish. What did she cooked for us? The dishes were called "Chilaquiles con huevo estrellado" and "Tinga de pollo". The names are quite hard to pronounce, quite a tongue twister I must say. So, what are these dishes? Chilaquiles con huevo estrellado - tortilla chips, with salsa sauce, topped with cheese, sour cream and sunny side up egg Tinga de pollo - shredded chicken in salsa sauce Here's what the dish looked like. Can you guess which one is which? The green stuff is just normal salad..hehe