
Showing posts from January, 2016

Money money money

Hi all, A piece that I wrote for Warwick student blog was published today. After few revisions, it was finally out and you can find the article here . For those who are looking for funding to pursue their education (be it tertiary or a professional certificate)  can be difficult. Therefore I hope my post will be able to help those who are struggling with funding. Besides that, some of you may not have a clue on how to write a candidacy statement. Here is how I wrote mine when I applied for a scholarship to fund my Master's programme: Introduction - your background including your education history and if you have work experience; a brief description of your work experience(s). Why do you want to study the course - give reasons why do you want to pursue the course? You can list out the modules that attracted you to apply for the course. Future plans - what you hope to obtain from studying the course, which modules are relevant for your future career plans (list out mo

New Year + 3 days

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!  Plus 3 days later.. It's so mainstream to wish Happy New Year on the day itself (haha..). So I'm wishing it 3 days later, better late than never right?  I have so many hopes and dreams for this new year. Hopefully I'll be able to achieve it within this year. InsyaAllah.. Have a bless new year everyone! P/S: I'm looking forward towards my trip in a few days time. Can't wait!