
Showing posts from February, 2016

New phase, new life

It's Valentine's day today!!! Well, it's not what I want to write about today. So today is my last day as 'penanam anggur' aka unemployed as I will be in the working again starting tomorrow.  Half excited, half nervous but I'm really looking forward to this new place. new adventure, and new challenges. Wish me luck!

Comfort Zone

Hi all, I'm back in my comfort zone of my parent's home. Yeay!! After 1 year and 5 months abroad I am finally home where I belong. It feels so good to be back but a bit tired from the journey and jet lag. Even this morning I woke up at 4 in the morning and failed to go back to bed. Then I had breakfast with my dad before he heads to work and now I'm trying to keep awake as it is already 1 in the morning in the UK. Can't wait to meet and catch up with my friends. Till then~