
Showing posts from November, 2008


Just to inform you guys that I will be away to New Zealand from the 17th to 30th of November. So, I will not be updating my blog till then. I'll update with the details from NZ when I get back. Till then~

Looking for that someone

I just finished watching a movie with my friends which was Ayat-ayat cinta. An Indonesian film that really touched me. I am sooo falling in love with Fahri. His character is so pure. I wish I could find someone like him..hehehe For those yang tak tahu, ayat-ayat cinta is a tale of a virtuous Muslim protagonist who overcomes all obstacles of life maintaining pure ideals. Fahri bin Abdillah is a poor, intelligent student who wins a scholarship to complete his graduate degree at Egypt's esteemed Al Azhar University. Very disciplined and dedicated by nature, Fahri embraces his life in Cairo, completing his studies and translation of religious books with full enthusiasm, exactly according to pre-determined targets. Only one goal is left unattempted: the pursuit of marriage. For Fahri is innocent and pure, and doesn't believe in the concept of relationships prior to marriage. He is inarticulate and shy around women. All his life, only two women have been close to

Freedon: but why am I not feeling it?

FREEDOM, HAPPY, ENJOY!!! This is what I should be feeling after I finished my exam this morning but that is not the case. I was having a hard time studying for my two last papers which was Organic Chem and Pharmacology. Not only that there was such a lot of information to digest but there was also a lot of memorizing. Since school I know that reading and memorizing subjects are my weakness. I just can't find my way around it and it still seems to be the case. Besides the studying and all I still find the exam hard, I just can't recall the information from the back of my brain. I don't know if its due to the lack of sleep or I just haven't study hard enough. Maybe both. Well last night I had the chemistry paper which ended at 8pm and in 12 hours which was 8am this morning I had my pharmaco paper. I just don't like the way they set our exam timetables. But I guess I should be thankful as some of my friends who took both the papers that I took and


I'm really thankful for what I have achieved in life so far. Even though sometimes I get drifted apart from Him, He still gave me chances to obtain/achieve meaningful things in life. Yesterday I received an email saying that I got the UQ Summer Research Scholarship. At last. I really2 hoped that I got this scholarship. At least it will cover my living expenses after I am broke coming back from New Zealand. So once again I will be in the lab this summer holiday at the School of Pharmacy doing research on mangoes..(yes people the mango as in the fruit that most of us like to eat.). Who would have thought that mangoes wll have anything interesting in it besides of its good taste(well I didnt). This summer will be my second research project after the one that I did in IMB. I'm really looking forward to it. I just love working in the lab. Even though the real life working environment is not as what I though it was but I'm prepared for it and hopefully I will