
I'm really thankful for what I have achieved in life so far. Even though sometimes I get drifted apart from Him, He still gave me chances to obtain/achieve meaningful things in life.
Yesterday I received an email saying that I got the UQ Summer Research Scholarship. At last. I really2 hoped that I got this scholarship. At least it will cover my living expenses after I am broke coming back from New Zealand. So once again I will be in the lab this summer holiday at the School of Pharmacy doing research on mangoes..(yes people the mango as in the fruit that most of us like to eat.). Who would have thought that mangoes wll have anything interesting in it besides of its good taste(well I didnt).
This summer will be my second research project after the one that I did in IMB. I'm really looking forward to it. I just love working in the lab. Even though the real life working environment is not as what I though it was but I'm prepared for it and hopefully I will not regret it later on.
People outside the science community will think that people in white coats working in the lab do not have a life and are loners but they are wrong. I meet lots of people from all around the world by working in the lab. They also have many activities that they do together its just up to us if we want to join them or not. But its a good place to mingle with people if you know how to.
Seriously I am grateful for the opportunity given to me so far. UQ is the best place as it has various research institutes that I can apply to do research. Now I just want to find the field that I like working in and hopefully I can do my honours in that field. I'm still trying out various field and I really hope I'll find the one that suites my interest. Now, I'm really having a taste of what my future career will be like and I'm loving it to bits..hehe
(bunyi nerd giler k post nie..hehe)
