
Showing posts from February, 2009

Australian Day Getaway

Last weekend, it was a long weekend as it was Australia day on Monday (Australia Day tue hari merdeka dorg). So, it was a 3 days break. Yahoo!!. As I don't want to spend my holiday staying at home doing nothing, I rented a car and did some traveling. At first, I want to go to Canberra as ciktie kate bosan I changed the plan to Sunshine Coast. In the end, ciktie can't join as she have to work. On Saturday, me and Hana went to pick up the car at Valley where luck was on our side. If not, we couldn't get a car as it was out of stock already. Once we got the car, we were wondering where to go then we decided to go to Byron bay as both of us haven't been there yet. We drove south stopping at Twin  Town before headed for Byron Bay. Heading south Colourful mural at Twin Town Twin Town We went to the lighthouse at Byron bay where the view was spectacular and breathtaking. Seriously lawa giler. The water was so clear that we can see sh


It's been a while since I wrote a new post. This post is just update on what I've been going through lately.   Firstly, I started working in the lab since 5th January and it's been nearly a month already. How time flies. I'm starting to get some interesting results from my experiment. My supervisor said that there is something interesting with the result and with further experiments if things turn out fine, I might get my first paper published. InsyaAllah. I hope it will become a reality. My supervisor is really excited with the progress that she even ask me if i want to continue with the project when the semester starts. So, maybe if my timetable permits me to do so, I will be in the lab during the semester as well. Yay!!I'm sooo happy..hehe.. (bunyi nerd giler kan..but this is what I like doing).


Just bought ticket to London for the end of year trip!!! Airasia had a sale and the tix only costs less than RM2K. How good is that!! Winter in Europe.. Here I come!!!

Passion + Future

How time flies. 6 weeks already gone and I'm left with my last week of work. It seems as it was yesterday that i first stepped into the sapphire lab at the school of pharmacy. Some of you maybe wondering ape la best sgt keje dlm lab nie? Well to me, the answer can be anything. Its subjective as everybody may have their own opinion about it. To me, doing research is my passion and i know that I'm doing something for the benefit of us human being. Besides that i get to meet a lot of people with different background. Who says that you don't meet people in the lab? I got more international experience while working in the lab. I got friends from the states, Austria, Taiwan, Germany, Sweden, Myanmar, France and even Bangladesh. Enough with that, i would like to share my work experience with you guys. For the last 6 weeks I've been testing cell migration in the presence of mango extracts. This is to prove that the fruit mango is good for our health. Obviously


A friend email me this thing and maybe some of you dah pernah come across this thing, ini just a reminder for myself and maybe for you guys as well. The main thing is that I want to share the knowledge with all of you. Temuduga Sebagai : Calon Jenazah SEMUA AKAN DIKEHENDAKI HADIR TANPA SEBARANG PENGECUALIAN KEKOSONGAN JAWATAN: A. Ahli Syurga Dari Awal. B. Ahli Neraka Dari Awal.. C. Ahli Neraka Sementara Kemudian Akan Dilantik Jadi Ahli Syurga. EMPAT GANJARAN LUMAYAN (khas untuk jawatan A): 1. Nikmat kubur.. 2. Perlindungan di Padang Mahsyar.. 3. Keselamatan Meniti Titian Sirat. 4. Syurga yang kekal abadi. TARIKH TEMUDUGA: Bila-bila masa secara adhoc bermula dari saat membaca iklan ini. LOKASI TEMUDUGA: Di dalam kubur (alam barzakh). KELAYAKAN: Anda tidak perlu bawa siji-sijil, termasuk sijil saham termasuk saham Internet.Anda tidak perlu bawa pingat, Mercedes mata belalang atau kad kredit. Anda tidak perlu bawa wang atau harta serta emas yang anda kumpul. Anda tidak perlu