Another reason to be thankful

Well remember last time when I was working on my summer project over at the school of pharmacy I told you guys that my supervisor want to keep me working in her lab (refer to post title *Updates*). Well the research board did not agree on it so I won't get paid if I still work there. At the same time, the research institute that I was doing research during 2nd year was offering 3rd year students research scholarships to do a 10 week research project with maximum of 8 hours per week. How good was that? not only that you have to work for a maximum of one day per week, you get to do a mini research project and the best thing is that youu get paid. What more can you ask for?

I really want to apply for that scholarship but I was worried that my summer supervisor would be offended as she put a lot of effort in trying to keep me in her lab. But when I told her about the scholarship, instantly she advised me to apply for it. So without hesitation I applied for the scholarship and 2 days ago, the good news came. I got the scholarship!! I was really thankful because when I asked the admin about the available spots, they say they only give it to ~10 students. So I guess i was among the lucky 10.

Therefore, for this semester I will be occupied with lab work as well. The project that I will be working on still involve cell culture, but I will learn a new technique called High Throughput Screening where I will screen for neuroprotective compounds to help people with spinal cord injury. I am sooo excited and can't wait to start on this new project.

In the mean time, I have started to be busy with assignments, presentations and quiz. I'm really started to feel tired with the workloads. With weekends pass by in a flash, I really hope that I can cope with all of the things that come by. Btw, last Wednesday we had our 2nd netball social match. We lost again 10-29, but it's ok as they were fast and good (not to mention their GD had really long legs and arm) and their ranking is 2nd whereas we are 7th. I think we need more training as we seemed to be doing mistakes that we shouldn't have made. Hopefully we will do better in our next game.

Till then~.
