Heading south

On 14th July, I went to Adelaide, South Australia. It was a few days stop before we went to Alice Springs in the Northern Territory (will update soon). Once we landed in Adelaide, Ciktie and I took a bus to my childhood friend's (Liyana) place nearby. Her house was only 15 minutes away from the airport and you can even hear the planes fly above her house. We had currypuff there. It was delicious, thanks yana for the food. Next stop, we head to another friend's place (Bani, Effa and Syifa) a bit outskirt of town. This was our accommodation throughout our stay in Adelaide.  After we had nasi goreng for our lunch, all of us fell asleep. I think it was due to the cold weather and our stomach was full. Later on in the afternoon, we head to Adelaide city and walked around Rundle Mall (Adelaide Street Mall) and around University of Adelaide. 
Around the city
University of Adelaide
Library at uni of Adelaide

The next day, another two friends: Amir and Kacang came to Adelaide from Sydney. We asked the boys to leave their luggage at a friend's place and then we brought them around the city. In the afternoon, we went to Hahndorf, a German settlement in Adelaide. It is Australia's oldest surviving German settlement. At Hanhndorf, we went into the fudge shops selling Hahndorf's fudge and we even tried some of it which was delicious though a bit sweet for our taste buds. Then we went to The Hahndorf Academy which was actually an art and heritage museum. We wanted to go strawberry picking at the strawberry farm, but we were unlucky because it was not in season. Since we cannot eat strawberry, we bought strawberry jam instead. That night we went to another friend;s house (Za, Sol and Nisa) for dinner. We were blessed with the hospitality that our friends in Adelaide showered us with. 
At the city with Kacang
Inside the fudge shop

Trying to be German
Inside Hahndorf Academy
Dissapointed :(
On the way to a friend's house for dinner

The next 2 days we rented a car to go to places on the outskirt of Adelaide. First of all, we went to Glenelg, a beach 10km away from the city of Adelaide. We also went into Bay Discovery Centre that gave us information on early settlements in Glenelg. Next, we went to Port Adelaide. We went up the lighthouse here to see the beautiful view of Port Adelaide. Then we went to St Kilda to unleash the inner child within us at the adventure playground. Here, all the playground attractions were made to fit adult size human. Lastly, we went to Victor Harbour to see penguins on Granite Island. We had to walk on the Causeway-Tramway to get to the island as we didn't want to pay for the Horsedrawn Tram. We took the guided tour that starts at dusk and the tour guide showed us the penguins and their burrow and explained to us the behaviors of the penguin.
All of us at Glenelg

Inside Bay Discovery Centre
Port Adelaide

The view on top of the lighthouse
St Kilda
Having fun at the playground
Lunch at St Kilda
Causeway=Tramway to Granite Island
4 penguins walking home
Sunset at Granite Island

The final day in Adelaide, we started with Whispering Wall. This wall is actually the wall of a reservoir in Barossa Valley shaped like an arch that serve the purpose of withstanding the pressure from the dam. But due to its unique architecture, if you speak at one end of the wall, it can be heard at the other end of the wall, which is bout 140m away. Then we passed the beautiful Barossa Valley where a lot of vineyards can be found here. We stopped at one of the vineyard that produced one of Australia's largest wine brand, Jacob's Creek. Then, we head to Morialta Conservation Park and had lunch near Morialta Waterfall. Lastly we went to Mount Lofty Summit. It is the highest peak in the region and you can even see Adelaide city from up here. We stayed here until the sun sets before heading back to Adelaide city for dinner.
Whispering Wall
The water reservoir

Speak here to be heard from the other side
One of the vineyard

Jacob's Creek Winery

Morialta Conservation Park, heading towards the waterfall
Spotted a koala on the way
Morialta Waterfall
Mount Lofty Summit
Lighhouse on the summit
The view
Sunset from Mt Lofty Summit
 The next day, myself, Ciktie, Kacang and Amir went to Alice Springs for a different adventure. I had a great time in Adelaide thanks to our hosts here and InsyaAllah will see u guys soon.
Till then~
