This n that

So many things have been going on for the past week. I've wanted to blog about all of it but I just can't find the time to write. Hence, before the story got a bit old I'll write about it. This will be like a summary of what's been happening for the past week.

Saturday: My aunt got married and I'm missing another wedding and family reunion again. It really sucks to be abroad and miss this kind of thing. Being overseas and far from family has its disadvantages though I don't deny there are good sides of it too. To avoid from being all emotional and a bitch to myself, I decided to follow my house mates to DFO and do some shopping. I didn't really have the urge to shop so I didn't buy anything.

Sunday was a blast. Went out with Mia, Hana, Nabila, Aainaa, Rurry, Elena and Zaf. At first we went to brush up our vocals at Fat Louie, followed by dinner, watched SATC2 at Regent and finally photo shoot at Riverside.  The brushing up our vocals part was hilarious. I just can't stop laughing the whole 2 hours. SATC2 was cleaner that the first one but there are some sensitive issues in the movie that I don't really like how they portrayed it. Maybe it's just me who felt that way but I still felt that some of it were not necessary. It was good spending time with these people and let them have fun before battling for their exams. We should do it again after the exams are over.

Monday: The whole family went to Acheh for holiday and had an incident in the lab. I was trying to get the rotor of the big centrifuge back to its place when it slipped my hand and landed on my right thumb causing a cut. The cut was quite deep causing me to wear plaster on it till today to avoid infections and made me realized how important my thumb is. Seriously I never knew that hurting my thumb would affect my everyday life. You just take things for granted I guess. 

Tuesday: Just doing experiments in the lab and nothing else. Quite a boring day.

Wednesday was when my patience was put to test. It was my worst tutoring experience. I was tutoring chemistry for the foundation year students. I don't even know if they're dumb or just lazy but everything is in their prac manual but how come they still asked me what to do over and over again. Well, they are kids that are in the process of learning and I guess this is just them learning. I was really glad when the 3 hour session had ended as it was so tiring and not to mention I had my first accident in the lab. One of the kid broke the glassware and luckily that was the first one of the day as the lab technician said that they broke about 10 flasks on Monday and couple more on Tuesday so I was lucky to get only 1 accident.

Thursday: I went up to PACE to meet my summer supervisor and had a good 2 hours catch up session with her. She showed me around the place which was quite nice but as the place is new, it's quite empty. The library there is just fabulous. I'm so jealous of the pharmacy students, the library facilities are just top notch. When we were chit chatting, she did offer me to come back and do PhD with her. Well, I am considering to do it with her but I'm still thinking of what I'm going to do in the future and whether this is the path that I want to take.

Today: The experiment didn't work again and I'm so frustrated. I was hoping that it will work today so that I can start testing the compounds. But that ain't gonna happen yet so I'm gonna sleep on it and design new experiments tomorrow. So nite to all.

Till then~


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