The best birthday present ever~

I turned another year older yesterday. Thank you for those who remembered it and wished me either through text message, call, facebook and twitter. I really appreciated it. 

The day before yesterday, I got an email saying that the results were out and we can collected it at the Biotech office. Actually I hesitated to get it on the same day but I was anxious to know my result so I decided to go to uni and just get it. When I got my bundle of proposal, PDP and thesis documents; I looked for the first sheet of paper after the cover page. I scrolled down the page slowly and looked at my marks. My heart was beating really fast that time and in my mind I was thinking 'Oh no, I'm screwed'. But when I looked at the bottom of the page it read Class I. At that time without knowing it my tears started to fall down, I felt so relieved. All the hard work for this one whole year had finally paid off. Now I can  say to my parents that their flight ticket down here will be worth every single cent as their daughter will be wearing the graduation robe on 17th Dec receiving her bachelor degree with first class honours. 

All I can say is this has to be the best birthday present ever. What more could I asked for?


  1. congrates huda..very proud of you.
    first class honour babes!!

  2. huda huda..sbbkan sy kat opis,xdpt nak access FB nor twitter,so nak tanya kat sini.cop april tahun depan tu 2011 ke 2012?OMG~!berapa riban?dah ada plan ke?

  3. april 2011..nak?hehe..tak plan pape pn lg n xplan lg brape budget..hehe..interested?

  4. ala~~serius klu april 2011 mmg xdapek den nak nolong la..duit takdak cukup lagi lo..wuwuwuwu.lgpon mesti tiket mahal klu beli time x promotion kan.T_T..biasa2 nye berapa bajet eh?gi jepun hari tu banyak habis?


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