10 Days in Kota Kinabalu

I just came back from 10 days training in Kota Kinabalu. I'm there for work but we did went to do some touristy stuff during our free time. So, this post will be just another travel post from me as I won't go into the detail of my work stuff.

The lab in KK was in Tanjung Aru, so we did went to Tanjung Aru Beach for lunch on the third day that we were there. The weather that day was a bit cloudy and I love the beach. It looked very clean. They also serve fresh juice here which was very delicious.
Tanjung Aru Beach

Fresh fruit juice stall. The auntie said it took her 3 hours to prepare this.

We also head to Perdana Park in Tanjung Aru (just next to the lab) one of the day after work to watch the musical fountain show. The shown runs daily from 7pm to 8.30pm every 30 minutes. It was entertaining plus it's free. Who doesn't like free stuff right? After the water show, we head to Tanjung Lipat for seafood dinner. The tomyam that we had here was the best and it was quite cheap too.
Perdana Park in Tanjung Aru

Musical Fountain show

Dinner at Tanjung Lipat

The next day, we went to Kampung Tanjung Aru Lama after work. The locals who live here would seem to live in a floating house during high tide. But when we went there, it was low tide and we can see people playing on the sea shore. We also managed to see the sunset here. It was breathtakingly beautiful view. I would really recommend you to come here for sunset. That night, we had another dose of seafood, this time at Tanjung Aru Beach. I guess with all the seafood that we consumed, we better check our uric acid once we're back in KL ;P

Kg Tanjung Aru Lama during low tide

Kids playing on the sea bed during low tide

Kg Tanjung Aru Lama on high tide. The water level could be higher than this

Sunset from Kg Tanjung Aru Lama

Subhanallah, a beautiful sight

Another seafood dinner at Tanjung Aru Beach
On Saturday, since it was our only weekend here and our off day, we went to Manukan Island. Manukan Island is the second largest island at Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park. We parked our car at Jesselton Point, rent a snorkeling kit and took a boat to Manukan Island.  The water was very clear that you can see fishes at the jetty. The journey from Jesselton Point to Manukan Island took about 20 minutes.
Jesselton Point

Heading towards Manukan Island

Fishes in the clear water

We're here!!

and it comes with entrance fee

I love snorkeling here, though it's a shame that I don't have an underwater camera to take pictures of living creatures under the water. The underwater world is like another world and I really enjoyed it there.
Manukan Beach

We saw one of these creatures during snorkeling

That night, I went out with my friend, Dilla for dinner. Dilla took me to the seafood (yes, more seafood) area behind the Filipino market. I also bought some dried shrimp and anchovy to bring back for my mum which they packed it very nicely for me to bring back to KL.
Another seafood dinner with my uni friend

Anchovy and dried shrimp readily packed for me to take home

The next day, I went out with another friend, Nijam. He took us to Gaya Street Sunday market which is a famous shopping area for tourist and locals. You can find various things here; from coffee, clothes to pets and potteries. Next, we went to One Borneo for lunch with my other uni friends. We dine at New York New York Deli and had dessert at Tutti Frutti. It was fun catching up with friends that I haven't met for more than one year.
Gaya Street on Sunday

Pets at Gaya Street Market

Some of the items sold at the market

With uni friend, Nijam
Lunch with Brissy girls

and continue with dessert

I also managed to meet up with my high school friend whom I haven't met for I don't know how long. She's studying in UMS and will be finishing soon.
Meeting up with high school friend, Mira

The last night in KK, my uni friends took me out for bubble tea session before I went back to KL the next day. It had been a tiring 10 days o work in KK, but I also had fun there catching up with old friends and doing site seeing as a tourist.
Bubble tea session on my last night in KK

Saying goodbye to KK lab, and yes we've became tan

Goodbye KK, hope to see you again in the future

That's all for my work and play post on Kota Kinabalu.
P/S: I hope to come back some day for island hopping and climb Mt Kinabalu. Insya Allah.
Till then~
