Today I started my Korean language class. It's the first class out of a total of 10 classes that I've signed up for. I've always wanted to learn Korean since my uni days. But I thought that I'll waste my uni credit if I didn't perform in the subject then. I wanted to learn after coming back to Malaysia during my unemployment days, but I didn't find any language course that fits my budget. When Groupon Malaysia had a discount for introductory Korean class for RM155, I signed up for it straight away. 10 weeks of 1.5 hours/week classes for only RM155. It's cheap right? You can not get it elsewhere. Plus, it's being taught by a native Korean. In the first lesson today, I learn the Korean characters. It's like going back to kindergarten learning ABC, instead now it's Korean ABC. I found that Korean alphabet it's just like our usual abc except that it's written differently. The Korean language is actually a sound language. As long as you kn...