
Showing posts from April, 2012


Today I started my Korean language class. It's the first class out of a total of 10 classes that I've signed up for. I've always wanted to learn Korean since my uni days. But I thought that I'll waste my uni credit if I didn't perform in the subject then. I wanted to learn after coming back to Malaysia during my unemployment days, but I didn't find any language course that fits my budget.  When Groupon Malaysia had a discount for introductory Korean class for RM155, I signed up for it straight away. 10 weeks of 1.5 hours/week classes for only RM155. It's cheap right? You can not get it elsewhere. Plus, it's being taught by a native Korean. In the first lesson today, I learn the Korean characters. It's like going back to kindergarten learning ABC, instead now it's Korean ABC. I found that Korean alphabet it's just like our usual abc except that it's written differently. The Korean language is actually a sound language. As long as you kn

Chipmunk cheek

Yesterday I had a minor surgery to remove my wisdom tooth. There was not enough space in my mouth for the tooth to grow so it is growing diagonally hitting my last molar tooth. Due to that, my dentist suggested that I remove the wisdom tooth as it might affect my oral health. My wisdom tooth was growing like #2. Image taken from Therefore, yesterday was the surgery day. Firstly, the dentist gave me local anaesthetic. Then they had to cut open my gum to have access to the wisdom tooth before pulling the tooth out. The pulling part hurt a bit as the root was very deep and the young dentist who performed the surgery was not able to pull the tooth out from its place. Finally, a senior dentist managed to pull it out after a strong pull. Then they had to sew the hole where the tooth used to be. Then they also had to remove the top wisdom tooth or else it will hit the bottom gum and cause pain. Therefore, 2 wisdom teeth removed in one day. However, the removal of the to