Avoiding Personal Pitfalls
I found this list on the internet from this website . Here are all the things that you shouldn't do to achieve success in life.So don't: 1. Jump to conclusions about other people’s motives. 2. Get caught up in competition. Strive for cooperation. 3. Describe yourself in negative terms. 4. Compare yourself to others to try and validate your results. 5. Violate your personal values or ethics for any reason. 6. Make excuses for telling lies. Just be honest and tactful. 7. Be rude to others regardless of how you feel about them. 8. Invalidate other people’s feelings. 9. Disrespect yourself or others. 10. Forget to be grateful. 11. Talk down to people. 12. Expect the worst or project negative expectations. 13. Speak in blanket generalizations. 14. Dominate conversations. 15. Try to assign blame. It doesn’t matter who’s at fault. 16. Focus on lack. 17. Put yourself or other people down. 18. Indulge in “pity parties.” 19. Think of yourself as smarter than, or b...