... Masak Gulai Tempoyak (Durian Paste Soup)

Salam all,

It's been a while since I post a new recipe on this blog. Well, today I feel like sharing a new recipe on this site. So the recipe that I'll be sharing today is a Malaysian dish which the specialty dish of a state in Malaysia called Pahang. This dish is "Gulai Masak Tempoyak" or if you translate it to English it is Durian Paste Soup (I think I literately translate it).

  1. Durian paste (My mum brought it over when she came to visit. You can Google how to make it using Durian flesh)
  2. Tumeric powder
  3. Fresh Chillies (sliced at the bottom)
  4. Cucumber(cut)
  5. Salt
  6. Meat of choice (I usually cook fish. Never tried it with any other types of meats)
  1. Add 2 cups of water in a saucepan until the water is about to boil
  2. Add 2 table spoon of durian paste and mix
  3. Add a pinch of tumeric, chillies, cucumber
  4. Add salt according to your taste bud
  5. Add your meat of choice and close the lid until the meat is cooked
  6. Serve and ready to eat.
My Ikan Patin Seabream Masak Gulai Tempoyak
 P/S: This is a simple oversea version. I don't have access to all the traditional ingredients that you can get from back home. Bon appetit!
