Easter in Melbourne

I just got back from Melbourne 2 days ago. This is my first easter outside Brisbane and first time travelling alone (bunyi cam loner giler kan). Well it wasn't the best time in my life (as I enjoyed NZ more) but I did enjoyed every second of it. Though there are some hardship in the beginning but I managed to overcome it.

I was on my way to the Gold Coast on Saturday morning when Jetstar texted me saying that my flight has been delayed to 6.45pm and I was supposed to fly at 3.25pm, 3 hours delay. I want to go back home but I was already half way there and I though that I will try my luck for an earlier flight. When I got at the airport, the flight before mine was fully booked which means that I can't get on an earlier flight and have 4 hours to kill before my flight was due. It was the longest 4 hours in my life, I called Hani and talked to her for an hour and played with my DS till the battery run out. Then I realised that I didn't bring the charger for my DS, damn.

The thing that I was so frustrated was that the flight after mine was at 6.40pm and that flight was $20 cheaper than my flight. At first I want to buy that tix but I didn't because Ididn't want to arrive late in Melbourne. In the end, that flight arrived earlier than my flight which made me loss $20, double damn.

Everything wasn't as bad as it seemed. The first day in Melb, I went to this art market. It's just like Southbank market here in Brissy. Then later in the morning myself, Faiz and Linda (my junior from school) went to Monash Uni, Clayton. I called my friend who is there coz I thought of giving her a surprise. But then she gave me a surprise back as she was not in Clayton, she was in Melb city at UMNO cup. Tula nak buat surprise sangat kan dah terkena surprise sendiri. Back from Clayton met up with my friend, Alun. He was in Gold Coast before this but now he's doing this lawyer training in Melb. That night faiz cooked dinner for me, linda and his cousin who just arrived in Melb that morning. Day 1 done.
At Monash Uni, Clayton

A building at Melbourne Uni
A very interesting building
Meeting up with Alun

The next day we rented a car and drove to Sovereign Hill, Ballarat west of Melb city.Faiz's cousin, Aina and Abid (my junior from school as well) joined me, Faiz and Linda. Feels like a small SEMESTA reunion pun ada. It was already noon when we arrived there but we managed to cover every part of the gold mining town. Back from Ballarat we head to St Kilda and late dinner at Lazzat (a malaysian restaurant). Melb has lots of halal food stores and due to that I gained 3kg from my trip down there. At St Kilda, we received a love letter for our car because we didn't realized at we parked at 1/4 zone (15minutes only) and we were there for nearly an hour.

The 5 of us around Sovereign Hill

Late lunch
St Kilda at night
The love letter that we ceived
On Tuesday I don't really have plans, so we just tour around the city and docklands. That night we went to Crown to watch the hell of fire as they call it. Then we went to play laser skirmish. This is my first time playing it, I didn't get the chance to play it on my last visit. It was tiring but I had loads of fun. But I'm not that good in it, always got hit by others and my shooting really sucks. We hang out at crown till midnight. Then we realised that there was no more trams to go back so we ended walking home. So tiring~
Eiffel in Melbourne
Federation Square

A building at RMIT
Melbourne Library
With Melbourne people after laser skirmish
Walking home because the tram has finish their service

The last day in melb just went to Melbourne museum, Imax and REB. I want to go into the museum but the queue was soo long and time doesnt permit. I might miss my flight if I'm not careful. Luckily nothing went wrong on the way back. Landed in Brisbane I rushed to UQ as we have our weekly netball social sport. I only make it in time for the fourth quarter.
In front of Melbourne Museum
With the hols coming to an end, I still have loads of work to do. I know that I have the free teaching week next week but I still have my casual research to do and I do have biotech class on Thursday and Friday. I hope that I will use my time wisely as I'm still in holiday mood and not much progress have been going on since I got back from Melbourne. Overall my holiday was a blast, thanks to faiz for everything. Nanti datang Brissy aku jadi tour guide ko pulak ye.

Till then~
