
Today my holiday officially ends and tomorrow I have to go to classes again. It has been a hell of a week and I didn't get much rest. To be honest I've been waking up earlier than when my classes are on. Basically I've been stressing myself this week with many assignments and work.
My IMB experiment has started but things haven't been going well with it and colleagues are pressuring me for the biological result as they want to publish the findings. It is a pressure when people keep asking you for the results when you can't even get the desired amount of cell density correct and the cells don't look happy. 
The other thing I'm stressing about is my chemistry structure determination assignment. I have waste a total of 4 hours this week in the chemistry lab doing that assignment. The problem is that everytime I refine my structure all the atoms are gone. How on earth am I going to solve my structure if I don't have atoms to assign to??Then I found out later on that I've got the chemical formula for my assignment wrong. Instead of Cl3 (chlorine) I read it as C13 (carbon). No wonder I have some funny atoms that I can't assign and my calculations for the first part of the experiment is all wrong already.

Coming up, I have this pharmaco debate presentation for my biot drug design & development coming up this Thursday and me and my group mates haven't come up with an argument for it yet. But we will get together tomorrow night to discuss it. I also have midsem for genomics next Tuesday which contribute 50% to my final grade and I haven't even started studying yet and after that one by one the assignments due. I don't know how I will survive this 2nd part of the semester. 
My weekend was also burnt due to the Queensland Sports Carnival (QSC). Well it has been a tiring weekend and I want to get a good rest before class commence tomorrow.Nite everybody.

Till then~
