A new start


Some of you maybe wondering where had my old blog gone to. Well I did a stupid mistake last night and it costed me my blog.

I was supposed to do my Biological Chem report when I suddenly remember that I want to change my blog to my other google account. So I managed to transfer my blog to the other account and then I deleted my old account without paying much attention to all the notice.

Later on I thought of updating my blog and when I typed in the address a notice from blogger came out: 

Blog has been removed

Sorry, the blog at hudzyuwin.blogspot.com has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.

Waaaaa..nak nangis rase bila tengok notice tue.

As a conclusion, the smart me had deleted my own blog and its been a year already since I first started that blog. Even though I still have access to the previous post but I can't export it here. So, here I am starting anew again. I think this is a sign for me and a reminder that I shouldn't be procrastinating when I'm supposed to do my assignment. 

P/S: I've copied the posts from the old blog here for my own sake. 

That's all for the intro. I hope you guys keep on reading and I will keep on writing.
Till then~


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