
Showing posts from September, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Salam, Ok this post have been delayed for more than a week. I just haven't had the time to write plus the limited access to internet also contributed to the delay. Finally after 1 year away from home I am back in my home in Shah Alam. I gave my family a surprise by appearing at the doorstep as they have no idea that I will be back home for Eid. Thanks for those who helped me (you know who you are) in making this a reality. The feeling of being home is so good that I forgot all the works that I left behind in Brissy and I'm just happy to be with my loved ones. Before this I feel a bit of regret for coming home when the semester is kinda hectic but when I was cleaning my room the day I got back I know that I made a right choice by coming home. I found my old organizer when I was cleaning my room and guess what I found on the first page. My youngest sister's writing which says: "Along, Una rindulah dekat along, rayalah dekat sini. Kalau along tak balik ma

Smiling from Ear to Ear ;)

Got a text message that really made my day yesterday.   Big smile to that..hehe~

First timer

Salam, On the 5th I went to watch rugby at Suncorp Stadium. There's a game between Wallabies (Australia) against Springboks (South Africa). This is my first time watching rugby live at Stadium and I kinda enjoy the game though it was a bit slow during the 1st half as there was no try. But the second half was better. I am there as a Wallabies supporter of course but the seating area that I got was mostly Springboks supporters. It was a new experience for me and I hope that I can go and watch another game in the future. Thanks to Apek and Joe for explaining everything that happened on the field. Well, I am a bit clueless about rugby though I know a bit about touch rugby. Here are some pics during the game, you can see more on facebook:  Some action on the field During the game. Jason, Apek n Me Half time. Us with the wallabies jumpsuit that was Apek and Joe's favourite outfit for the the night. After the game Till then~

So near yet so far

My dear SS501 are in KL right now. They were in Malaysia since 31st August for a shooting in KK and right now they are having a fan meeting in KL..Wish I was there~     P/S: Just a big fan of them. Love their songs..hehe

Goodbye winter and say hello to spring

Today is officially spring so no more cold weather even though winter in Brisbane is not that cold. Btw, it reached 31 degree celsius last week (or was it more than that?). Is that winter or what?. Now that spring is here I just can't wait to see the pretty flowers especially the jarandas bloom. raya 2007 at munro park with the jacarandas Owh I just love spring. Don't you?