Home Sweet Home


Ok this post have been delayed for more than a week. I just haven't had the time to write plus the limited access to internet also contributed to the delay.

Finally after 1 year away from home I am back in my home in Shah Alam. I gave my family a surprise by appearing at the doorstep as they have no idea that I will be back home for Eid. Thanks for those who helped me (you know who you are) in making this a reality. The feeling of being home is so good that I forgot all the works that I left behind in Brissy and I'm just happy to be with my loved ones.

Before this I feel a bit of regret for coming home when the semester is kinda hectic but when I was cleaning my room the day I got back I know that I made a right choice by coming home. I found my old organizer when I was cleaning my room and guess what I found on the first page. My youngest sister's writing which says:

"Along, Una rindulah dekat along, rayalah dekat sini. Kalau along tak balik masa hari raya selagi tu Una tak nak balik kampung tau. I love you Along and I miss you Along"

How sweet is that? I was coming to tears reading that. Even though I know that I am busy with my uni stuff and all but at least I made somebody's wish come true. That's why I always feel that I need to come home and my trip back home this time is meaningful.

A wish to all Muslim worldwide:

Picture credit to hdwallpapersimages

Till then~


  1. so sweet..=)

    dh besar pn una skang.. dulu mase sekolah baru je lahir. ni dh besar panjang..=)


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