Goodbye winter and say hello to spring

Today is officially spring so no more cold weather even though winter in Brisbane is not that cold. Btw, it reached 31 degree celsius last week (or was it more than that?). Is that winter or what?. Now that spring is here I just can't wait to see the pretty flowers especially the jarandas bloom.

raya 2007 at munro park with the jacarandas

Owh I just love spring. Don't you?


  1. i love spring too~!!! but sadly, theres no such season in shah alam.. aihh~~

  2. geezz..rindu giler time kt uk dulu. even 1 thn je kt sane,tp all 4 musim tu mmg merase la. huhu...spring mmg best, i love flowers! ^_^

  3. wooi...cantiknya korang bergambar..along...balik tak raya ni...fawwaz dah semakin besar dan banyak cakap cam orang tua dah..huhu penat nak layan.

  4. ahh beautiful time it was :) sume orang ada set gambar ni tapi in different pose hehe.


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