UQ Dusk Spectacle

Salam to all,

Just want to share with all of you this orchestra that performed during UQ Centenary Celebration last week. They were awesome, you guys should check them out. They are not like the typical orchestra that just sit and play their instruments, they danced and played at the same time. Below are some vids that I managed to record during their performance at UQ. I hope you guys will enjoy it as much as I did. If you want to know more about them, check them out here.

Owh and we did manage to take photos with some of the members as well.

us after the show

zaf with his fav girl

with Wayne, Ami's favorite member

with Evan, he's Indonesian by the way


  1. i stalked him right after! :) apparently his cello is made of carbon fibre thus indestructible '=.='


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