
Showing posts from May, 2010

When people go to far

My friend sends me this link this morning. There's a limit on what you can do but this is just plain stupid. This is what happen what people go to far, they think that they're genius but they're not. It's just plain stupid and it's not even practical. If you want to know what I'm talking about click on the link below. But let me give you an advance warning that the content maybe inappropriate for people below 20 years of age..hehe~ Don't worry it's not a spam or a virus; it's just a stupid news. Click HERE for the news.

Modern Family

I managed to persuade my sister to open up a Facebook account earlier this year mainly for us to keep in touch with each other.  Few months later, my whole family was on Facebook including my mum and dad and even my youngest sister.  Well, it did keep us in touch as my sister said my parents stalk our Facebook nearly every night  to keep up with our lives. I guess that's what happen when all your kids are away from you. But it also meant less privacy for us though there's nothing much that I don't share with them. Today, as I got back from uni I got another surprise. My grand parents are on Facebook and requesting to be my friend. So much for a modern family huh?

Shake It!!

My friends here in Brisbane know my obsession with kitchen stuffs and recently I got myself a new toy in the kitchen. It was second hand but the previous owner hasn't used it so you can say it's quite new and I did get it for a good deal. Want to know what's my new toy? TADAAAA!!!  milkshake maker Yes, I got myself a milkshake maker. Now, I don't need to spend $5++ for a milkshake anymore. All I need is just half cup of milk and few scoops of ice cream, pop it in the cup and mix. Then WALLA... The milkshake is ready to consume and it even comes with colourful curly straws. 

of scientist, art and cosmetics

I was watching Tae Yang's Wedding Dress video on You Tube when one of the suggested video on the side caught my attention. It was a remix version of the song in Malay/English by Caprice .I didn't expect it to be good but it was. I quite enjoyed the Malay version of Wedding Dress. Check out the vid below and see if you think the same as I do; though I do think Ash-Lee was a bit sexy. While checking CapriceTV channel, I found another interesting video. It was his version of Justin Beiber's baby. This one was wayyyy better than the original one. Sorry to Beiber's fan but I do think Caprice's version is better and Ruby Jude's voice is just AWESOME. P/S: The title has nothing to do with this post ;)

Waterfall Way Camping Trip

Last weekend I went to another camping trip with my housemate and Malaysian friends. This was my first time on a real camping trip in Australia with tents, sleeping bags and all. This time, we started the journey on Friday afternoon. We thought that we can avoid the traffic but we were wrong and got stuck in it for 2 hours. After 6 hours of driving, we did manage to reach Coffs Harbour safely that night. The next morning we headed out to Waterfall Way. Our first stop was Never Never Creek in Bellingen. The water was crystal clear and the boys and Ami  even had a dip in the water which was icy cold. Actually the boys accidentally fell into the water and Ernest even took his wallet, hp and car keys with him into the water. The next stops were Dangar Falls in Dorrigo and Ebor Falls in Ebor. Out of the 2 falls, I prefer Ebor falls more. We had our lunch at Ebor Falls and head to Styx River to set up our camping ground for the night. We put our tents up and get the fire

Sweet Victory

Monday was a public holiday for us, Labour day. Despite being tired due to the camping trip, I have netball competition on that day. It was the Asean Uni Games netball competition. Only three teams participated, Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore. Singapore was our biggest threat in getting gold. The first match against Brunei was quite unorganized at first but we did compose ourselves and win against them by 43-0. Then the match against Singapore was back to back after the first match. By this time the sun was scorching hot and there were times during the game that  we were tired but we composed ourselves and the loud cheers from the supporters made us high spirited again. When the final whistle blew my heart nearly drop when they said it was a tie. Luckily, they calculated the points again and we won by 1 point with 24-23. This was the best victory ever as we've never won against Singapore before.  To my netball girls: GOOD JOB GIRLS, WE FINALLY DID IT!!! CONGRATULATIONS..