When people go to far

My friend sends me this link this morning. There's a limit on what you can do but this is just plain stupid. This is what happen what people go to far, they think that they're genius but they're not. It's just plain stupid and it's not even practical. If you want to know what I'm talking about click on the link below. But let me give you an advance warning that the content maybe inappropriate for people below 20 years of age..hehe~ Don't worry it's not a spam or a virus; it's just a stupid news.

Click HERE for the news.


  1. hahaha...mengong gle weyh...adoyaiii...

    tp creative gk..haha

  2. bengong kan..hehe..
    pastu mesti xle pakai baju kan sbb nnt xde cahaya utk pokok tu hidup..haha


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