Waterfall Way Camping Trip

Last weekend I went to another camping trip with my housemate and Malaysian friends. This was my first time on a real camping trip in Australia with tents, sleeping bags and all.

This time, we started the journey on Friday afternoon. We thought that we can avoid the traffic but we were wrong and got stuck in it for 2 hours. After 6 hours of driving, we did manage to reach Coffs Harbour safely that night.

The next morning we headed out to Waterfall Way. Our first stop was Never Never Creek in Bellingen. The water was crystal clear and the boys and Ami  even had a dip in the water which was icy cold. Actually the boys accidentally fell into the water and Ernest even took his wallet, hp and car keys with him into the water. The next stops were Dangar Falls in Dorrigo and Ebor Falls in Ebor. Out of the 2 falls, I prefer Ebor falls more. We had our lunch at Ebor Falls and head to Styx River to set up our camping ground for the night. We put our tents up and get the fire burning before dark. That night we managed to stay up until 9.30pm before calling it a day. But I don't think any of us had much sleep as it was freezing cold that night. I swear I felt like dying. My 7 degree sleeping bag, sweater and 2 layers of socks did not give me enough insulation. There was one point that I couldn't feel my feet as it was so cold. Luckily I made it through to morning. It seems like spending the night at 1350m altitude was a bad idea in terms of weather.

top: at Never Never Creek, middle: Dangar Falls, bottom: Ebor Falls

I was so grateful to see the sun the next day. Even though the sun was already up, the air was still cool. Firstly we made our way to New England National Park and head to Point Lookout.  The never ending mountains that filled my eyesight was just fabulous. Then we did the Tea Tree Falls walking track which was quite short. We didn't have the chance to do longer walks due to time restrictions. The next stop was Armidale. With clear blue sky, chilly breeze and trees with yellowish and reddish-brown leaves, I really like the town though I know it will be super duper quite at night. We didn't stop long at Armidale, we had our lunch and we were on our way back to Brisbane. On our way back, we made our last stop at Glenn Innes. The only thing that I wanted to see was the Australian standing stone which mimic the Stonehenge in UK. This was our last stop of the trip before heading back to Brisbane.

view from Point lookout

P/S: For pictures click here and here.
