Being Me Conference KL

On the 30th of June I was lucky to attend an all female muslimah conference in Kuala Lumpur. The conference was called Being Me and it was held at Matrade Building at Jalan Duta. Here I wanted to share with you my fellow readers the knowledge that gained from the conference, as the hadith of Prophet Muhammad which said, “Spread knowledge even if it’s one verse” I hope this post will be beneficial to all of you. 
Picture taken from Google image

When you have nothing to do, recite surah Al-Ikhlas 10 times. Whoever recites Surah Al-Ikhlas 10 times a day Allah will built a palace in Jannah for that person.

Yasmin Mogahed - Free from all other masters
  •  We need to change our standard of beauty as our body and soul was created for something higher than thin, sexy and beautiful
  • Stand up and tell the world that we are a slave of God and God alone. Don’t worship beauty
  • We are a slave of God. Don’t worship a person’s beauty and fashion sense. Our mind and soul
  •  (on love based on giving) A person's capacity to give to you is inconstant. Your response to the act of giving is also inconstant."
  • What we seek in love can only be found with God -> completion can only be found with God
  • Marriage is where the story begins not the end. Building of love, perseverance and sacrifice
  •  If love if what we seek, seek it from God
  • I found myself led back that the liberation and power is where we free ourselves from other standard and goal
Sheikh Yahya Ibrahim – Achieving Balance Inside Out
  • Islam is a part of our life
  • Whatever we do, if it doesn’t reach the heart it doesn’t count
  • Things that separate us from other living things are intelligence. We are only living thing that thinks and have spirit. It defines us as a person.
  • Our soul is thirsty for Islam and wants Allah and Muhammad in our life
  •  Ask ourselves daily, are we good Muslims? -> do we teach Quran? How much do we read the Quran daily? Do we know the verse of the surah that we recite?
  • Iman can be worn out like the clothes you wear constantly. Therefore, you need to revitalize and purify your soul. Always pray to Allah to constantly ignite our iman
  • Our hearts break for various reasons. But when it breaks for Allah, it’s a beautiful thing
  • Be careful with our heart as we may love something more than we love Allah. If we do, it’s a sign that our Islam is not complete
  • Trust Allah and ask Allah to purify our heart
  • Allah will never let a person get away without challenge. Take lesson on what we see around us and apply to our personal life.
  • We are in charge and responsible for ourselves. Make decision that is best for our Iman.
Myriam Francois Cerrah – The Importance of Role Models, why do we need them?
  • Idealization can lead us into idolization. There should be a line between idealization and idolization, & it shouldn't be crossed
  • You can get the purest form of anything only from its source. (If) you want the purest form of love, go back to its Creator
  • Role models are not to be absorbed as perfect. They are not maksum.
  • Syaitan has a lot of power over those who are weak, not over those who have a strong faith in Islam
Yasmin Mogahed - The Greatest Love of All
  • Love is like a lawsuit, it requires evidence. Be close and please the one we love.
  • Love is no longer part of discussion, it’s a list of dos and donts
  • Indeed a body is a lump of flesh. If set right, the entire body is right. If it’s corrupted, the entire body is corrupted. That is the heart.
  • The heart dictates how we act. Be careful of what we fill it with.
  • Heart is only for God and God alone. There are 2 places where we can hold something ie heart and hand. Whatever in our hand we can put aside, and whatever in our heart is what we can’t live without. We need to shift where something (gift ie money, person etc) is being stored from heart to hand. Problem begins when we put gift in heart and God in hand. Pain in the hand is not like pain in the heart. Pain in the heart is when we lose a place of attachment.
  • No matter how many times we stab our heart, Allah can heal it. There’s only one lost that can’t be recovered, the lost of God in our life. Only God is our survival, support and true necessity.
  • We should only love and fear Allah. If we don’t pray, we don’t harm others but ourselves
  • Nothing will stop death and delay the day of Judgement. Ask ourselves, are we prepared?
  • If worshipping Allah becomes a burden, there;s something wrong with our inside
  • The more the heart is filled with Allah, there’s less room for money, status & people. Our love for dunia will never leave our heart until we find Allah. Never allow syaitan to deceive you
  • We all know the day we were born but none of us know the day of our death

  • Exemplary Muslimah
  • Whoever married an exemplary muslimah, he completes half the religion.
  • Ruby, diamond are hard to get, it’s the same with exemplary muslimah 
  • 13 qualities of exemplary muslimah:
a. Patience in the path of Allah
b. Donating in the cause of Allah
c. Be a pious muslimah. Where is our taqwa and fear of Allah? There’s nothing in the hereater besides jannah and jahannam and the price for jannah is expensive
d. Strive hard. Work in dunia and sleep in the grave.
e. Tawakkal. Rely on Allah and Allah will provide us with something we never expect.
f. Hold on strong to Islam whatever the reason is
g. Marriage for the sake of Islam and not wealth
h. Find husband based on Taqwa and piety
i. Important to do khidmat to your husband. The one who serve the husband due to love
j. Manners and respect husband.
k. Eternally love your husband. Feel the pain that your husband is feeling. Always love your husband for the sake of Allah and he will be protected from other women and weaknesses outside
Exemplary muslimah is the one who walk the path of Allah.   
Actually most of the messages that were delivered to us during the talk, we already know. But us being a weak human being needs constant reminder of our purpose of life here in this world and what’s waiting for us in the hereafter. 

This year is the first time they are organizing such conference. For those who missed this year conference, fret not. The organizer is making this conference into an annual event. So, you can attend the conference next year if you missed the conference this year.

Till then~
