
Showing posts from June, 2014

That time of the year again

It's that time of the year again where our digestive system gets a break for a month.  This year, the fasting month starts this coming Sunday 29 June 2014.  So, to all my readers (ade ke readers?hehe)..  RAMADHAN KAREEM!! Image taken from Google image

Celebrating Birthday at Food Foundry

I went out to eat with my colleagues yesterday to celebrate Vaani’s birthday. We decided to go to Food Foundry since it was close to our office. This is my first visit to this shop though I’ve heard about it previously. The interior Menu. The have a variety of choices We ordered three dishes for the 5 of us since none of us were that hungry and since I have a small appetite after my last fever I didn’t think that I’ll finish a whole meal for myself. In the end, we ordered seafood marinara pasta, aglio olio pasta and lamb shoulder (as per birthday girl request) as the main dishes. Aglio Oglio Seafood Marinara Lamb Shoulder I really like the seafood marinara pasta and the lamb dish. The lamb was tender and the sauce that complimented it went well with the lamb. It was very delicious. As for the aglio olio, personally there’s nothing special to it, just so-so. All the dishes in one plate Cleared all of the plates This place is famous for their mille crepe c

Inner Though

Back to square one.  My one and only hope got shattered today.  I was rejected by the two and when the email came today, saying that I was unsuccessful, I’m very disappointed.  But as much disappointment that I had, I know that I couldn’t be too sad.  I have to be composed and must have faith that something better is in store for me.  I guess Allah knows what’s best for me and maybe this is not the best for me now.  Shoulder straight and chin up, I will not give up.  I will try again next year and I will not stop trying until I get it, period.