Rainy day in Oxford

Last weekend, I joined the International Office trip to Oxford with my classmate and housemate. We departed from uni at about 8.45am and reached Oxford about an hour and  half later. The weather was kind of gloomy that day and later on it rained most of the day which partly affected our trip as well.

We first head to Oxford Covered Market to kill time before our walking tour starts at 11.30am. The market house butchers, greengrocers, bakeries and gift shops.
Inside Oxford Covered Market
Since it was Saturday, the market was quite busy. Then we started our tour at Balliol College which was believed to be the oldest College in Oxford, established in 1263. Then we head to Sheldonian Theatre, the building is now used for graduation ceremony as well as other purposes. That day, the building was closed as graduation ceremony was held.
Balliol College
The tour group
Graduation ceremony on the day
Then we were brought to the Bodleian Library, one of the oldest library in Europe. Hogwarts library was filmed here as well as Hogwarts infirmary, but you have to pay to go inside. After the library, we were taken to Radcliffe Camera, part of the library and the University Church where you can go up the tower to see scenic view of Oxford.
The bridge of 'Sigh' - connecting 2 parts of Hertford College

The Bodleian Library

Radcliffe Camera
The tour ended after 2 hours. We then head to the market for lunch and decided to head up the church tower to see the view from up there ourselves. The view was very spectacular, especially since the sun came out after raining the whole morning. Then we head to Turf Tavern, a pub visited by many famous people including Margaret Thacher, Elizabeth Taylor, Ben Kingsley and Oscar Wilde to name a few.

The Turf Tavern
Famous people that had visited the pub in the past

Lastly, we visited the Blackwell Bookstore, the oldest bookstore in Oxford and the Museum of the History of Science which housed Einstein's blackboard and Alexander Flemming's work on penicillin. The museum is free of charge, so if you're a science geek like me; this place is very interesting.
Blackwell Bookstore which have 3 miles of shelves

Alexander Flemming's work on penicillin
Einstein's blackboard
Goodbye Oxford, till we meet again
