Thank you..Google Doc

Hello everyone,

This is a rare post from me. I usually post mainly on food and travel stories but today I want to share something that I just out last month

My course here requires a lot of group work and when I mean a lot, at least one for each module which usually involves group presentation. When working in a group, we have our parts to prepare and it is a pain in the ass trying to keep up with the different versions of the document. The conventional method that we've done so far have been creating a Facebook group and preparing our slides using power point, them uploading our ppt document to the Facebook group. Whoever uploads the updated version have to delete the previous version to avoid confusion and to ensure that we all have the latest version of the presentation.

For the last five group work, things got better with Google Doc or in our case it was Google Slides (because it was mainly presentation that we work in group). With Google Slides, we just need our google account and created a slide document which is saved onto Google Drive. Then you can share it with your group mate and everyone can work on the document in real time. Want to know more about this cool thing? Have a look at the video below:

Google Slides has allowed my group mate and I to work together at the comfort of our room. Even if we meet up, we can all discuss and do the work on our own respective laptop. 

Group work at the comfort of my bed
Real time discussion and preparation for group presentation
Besides that, everyone can see the work that you've done straight away. So, if there's correction to be made; you can make it there and then without the need to save it in different versions. And it saves onto Google Drive, so you can access the document wherever you are as long as you have internet connection. Kinda cool right? Brings group work to a whole new level.

Have a go at it and trust me you're going to love it.
Till then~
