Book Review: Tenggelamnya Kapal Van der Wijck

Hi all, I just finished reading a book by a well-known Indonesian writer called Hamka entitled Tenggelamnya Kapal Van der Wijck (The Sinking of Van der Wijck). I think this is the best book that I've read so far and I really enjoyed reading this book. The language is so beautiful although the story is quite sad. I do not know whether the book is available in English or not as the original book is in Indonesian language. I tried reading the one in Indonesian language but it was quite hard to understand. So I opt for a Malaysian version by PTS that is a bit easier to understand with a list of glossary of words at the back. The book - Indonesian version The book - Malaysian version So, if you're thinking of reading a new book; I would really recommend this book by Hamka. There's also a movie of the same title which I've still yet to watch. Hence, I can't give a review of the movie yet. Will do so once I've watched it. Poster of the movie ...