Seven days and counting down

Photo credit to PhdComic

Alhamdulillah, I'm done with two of my exams and I'm only left with one more paper before I get my freedom. Thinking about ending the exam made me realized that in seven days time I will be back in Malaysia. How good does that sound? I was talking to my room mate last week that we have 2 more Sundays before we are headed home. I know that my room mate is really looking forward to go home. Such a strong person to last 2 years abroad without going back home. Now I know that I'm not as strong as I think I am..hehe

Even though I have exam in 2 days time I can't help thinking of the plans after the exam. I only have 2 days after exam before I'll be going home. So many things to do in that short time. I don't know if I can get it done in time or not. Owh I just can't wait for this exam to finish. Two days seems soo long. Now I wished that I did maths instead of medicinal chemistry and I will be done by today. But we can't turn back time and I need to turn back to my chemical reactions now.

Till then~
