Sorry to make you worry

Yesterday I got a call from home. I was praying the phone rang so I can't pick it up. I know it's someone from home as no number appear on the missed call list. That got me worried as it was around 7.30pm Malaysia time. Who would call at a time like that I know that my family won't call me because I'm the one who usually call home. Something must have happen that got them to call me at that time, that what I was thinking inside my head.

When I call my home back in Malaysia, my sis picked up the phone. She sounded ok, like nothing bad has happened. Then I talked to my dad, then I know that they are worried about me as they haven't heard from me for nearly 3 weeks. They are worried that something happened to me (and I was worried that something had happened to them..hehe). Plus, I forgot to reply my mum's text the previous day which makes things worst.

I feel like such a bad daughter for not checking up on them every week like I usually do. It's just the last week of the semester was a bit hectic with the assignments and all but I know that  shouldn't be an excuse. I'm sorry for making you guys worry about me like that. Now I know that even though I'm far away, you still care about me.

Well, every parent will worry about their children no matter how far their children are. For those who haven't called their parents for some time I advise you to call them. You never know when the last time you called them may be the last time that you talked to them. We don't know what Allah has stored for us. So make the best out of what we have now.

Till then~


  1. sedey nye bace...rase nk nangis.. sekarang jgak aku call rumah!!!!

  2. call jgn x call.hehe..
    aku pn terkejut yg dorg risau..aku igt dh duk jauh nie dorg x risau..hehe..
    that's what parents do best..worry about their children

  3. dah duduk jauh la lg risau cik kak oi.... huda..baru ni dgr crite student m'sia kne rompak + kne kurung kt ausie. u take care...

  4. betol aku.mak aku kol.kdg2 aku kol mak aku suh mak aku kol balik.bes kan:P

  5. m tu aku,mong.terpost cepat plak.xsmpat tulis name


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