
Showing posts from August, 2010

17 Ramadhan 1431H

Salam, Sedar tak sedar dah nak menghampiri sepuluh malan terakhir untuk bulan Ramadhan kali ini. Sekejap sahaja masa berlalu, rasa macam baru je seminggu berpuasa. Sempena dengan bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini, ada sedikit info yang saya nak share dengan semua orang. Sebagai seorang muslim, kita diwajibkan untuk sembahyang lima waktu sehari semalam dan juga berpuasa pada bulan Ramadhan. Tapi tahukan anda kenapa kita diwajibkan untuk melakukan semua itu? Oleh itu, dalam post ini saya nak kongsi sedikit maklumat mengenai solat dan puasa. Sekumpulan orang Yahudi pernah bertanya kepada Rasulullah SAW: Sila terangkan kepada kami tentang 5 waktu solat yang diwajibkan oleh Allah ke atas umatmu. Sabda Rasullullah SAW: Sembahyang Subuh adalah sebelum terbit matahari. Ini kerana apabila matahari terbit, terbitnya di antara dua tanduk syaitan dan di situ sujudnya setiap orang kafir. Sembahyang Zuhur jika tergelincir matahari,maka bertasbihlah segala sesuatu kepada Tuhannya.

Ladies only

To the ladies out there~ P/S: Suka dengar ustaz ni punya ceramah, walaupun lawak tapi penuh dengan pengajaran.

I wonder

How can a total stranger makes you feel so familiar?  Thank you for taking me back through time stranger Now I know that I miss the past.

Selamat berpuasa semua

Salam to all, My name is SYAABAN. My neighbour RAMADHAN will be visiting you soon with his wife REZEKI and two kids, SAHUR and IFTAR . They will be accompanied by their grandchildren: RAHMAH , BARAKAH and TAUBAH . They will leave after 30 days by EID airlines. TREASURE THEM and you will be blessed.  May this Ramadhan bring lots of NUR in our life.  AMIN

Of Seasick and Whales

Yesterday was a tiring and fun day for me. I went whale watching at Gold Coast with Hana and other Malaysian peeps. It was actually a break for us as it has been a tiring week at Uni. I've always wanted to go whale watching but for the past 3 years I just didn't have the time to do it. As this is my last year here, I just have to do it before I go back at the end of the year. At first it was all fun with the boat bobbling up and down with the waves, feeling like a roller-coaster on the boat but after a while I started to get dizzy. Then I got bored as we can't see the whale yet not forgetting that I was half drenched due to the waves. After a while, we saw the whale's blow holes and it was all exciting again. Don't ask for the pics coz I just can't be bother to take pictures while trying to balance myself on the boat and trying to enjoy the view. We did see couple of whales but I wish we saw more. After a while I started to get dizzy again, not to mention i

23rd July

It was a Friday. The day start with Josh bringing a cake to IMB. It was his first attempt in baking and by the look of it and from the responses  from the people that ate it, it's good. I was quite eager to have a taste of his cake as he'd been promising to bake one two weeks before that. Then, while waiting for other people to come, one of his friends asked him what kind of liquor he used. Me and Hana was looking at each other and I said to myself, "Damn I can' eat it". So, me and Hana sat there watching the others eat the cake. Though they did say that we can eat it as the alcohol in it has already evaporate during cooking. But who will buy that kind of shit? It's still alcohol and it's still forbidden. Josh enjoying his own creation Ernest, Soumya and Me That afternoon, it was the Science July Graduation and I have three friends graduating. Looking at these people in their robes and scroll, makes me want to graduate soon. I really c