
Showing posts from January, 2015

The Bridge over Cam River = Cambridge

Yesterday I joined the International Office day trip to Cambridge. This is the second time that I went to Cambridge. The last time I was there I didn't manage to travel much as it was winter and we only made a short stop to freshen ourselves as our flight was delayed. I was really excited about the trip and was loking forward to what Cambridge has to offer. So, here are my suggestions of 5 things to do in Cambridge for a day trip: 1. Punting . Your visit to Cambridge will not be complete without punting on the Cam River. However, it depends on the season that you visit. It might b a bit chilly to do it during winter plus the daylight is a bit limited. You can choose whether you want to go for a guided tour or self-punt. I would really recommend the guided tour as you'll learn about the colleges along The Backs. You can buy the tickets at the Tourist Information Center or online (it's cheaper to buy it online). A very nice day to go punting Mathematical Bridge

Pretty please..

It's the Winter graduation ceremony week and lots of graduates are here to receive their award. Looking at the class of 2014 and their families made me think that in a year's time, hopefully it'll be my turn to don the graduation robe and receiving my Master's award. Then, a thought came to mind. It'll be nice to bring my husband (whoever it might be) to my graduation ceremony.. Well, a girl can dream. Do pray that my dream will come true Pretty please... ;P

Our responsibilities to our parents

My dad sent lengthy whatsapp message today that was like a wake up call to me. The message was so deep that I thought I shared it here. Btw, it's in Malay and I can't be bothered to translate it into English. Pesan untuk anak-anak terutamanya anak-anak lelaki. Bila mak ayah kita mati, terjunla turun kedalam liang lahad sambut mayat dia, Buka tudung papan keranda untuk angkat sebentar mayat mak ayah kita tu. Biar kita pusing mayat mak ayah kita untuk menghadap ke kiblat. Biar kita!! Bukan orang lain. Jangan kita tengok aje. Allahurabbi.. "Mak, kali terakhir aku tengok ni mak. Hari ni last aku tengok mak" Biar kita yang jadi orang yang perelai ikatan di kepala dia Ikatan ditubuh dia tu.. Biar kita!! Pegang perlahan-lahan badan mak kita tu Pusing dia elok-elok Ambil gumpalan tanah letak pula belakang tengkok mak kiya "Mak, hari ni last mak. Lepas dari ini aku tak tengok mak dah" terlintas dalam hati. Dalam kita tengah pegang mak kita tu.. I

The Jakun-ness in me

First of all, please forgive my Manglish in the title. I had no other words to replace it. Last night, I received a whatsapp message from my sister at 2140. The conversation goes like this: Sis: Okay I'm waiting for snow pics from you Me: Where got snow Me: Hujan adala (as I saw the raining symbol at the weather widget on my laptop) Sis: --Showed me a print screen of my neighbour's tweet-- --I went to my window and peeked outside-- Me: Ok mmg snow kat luar When I saw that it was snowing outside, I shouted to my housemate who's upstairs doing her assignment to change and go out to play with the snow. So jakun right? Without thinking much, I put on my jeans and headscarf, and went out with a camera and the house key. I didn't even bother putting on my jacket (as I was so excited). Who wouldn't be? first time experiencing snow since I got here. The last time it snowed on boxing day, I was in Bristol. It only manage to last about 10 minutes outside before I s

Happy New Year

I just wanna wish everyone a Happy New Year. May all of you have a great year ahead. Picture taken from 97.3Brisbane radio FB page. In addition, I've also added the postcards from my recent trip to my growing postcard collection. I love how it looks on my bedroom wall. And I'm still yet to buy the vintage world map poster that I've been wanting for ages. Anybody wants to buy it for me?hehe My growing postcard collection in UK My postcard collection back home in Malaysia