
Showing posts from December, 2009

Greetings from Cardiff

Today is my fourth day in UK. Thankfully I've gotten used to the local time but I still can't get used to the cold weather. It's freezing cold up here. The weather is so different from winter in Australia. Since we got our car, we've been to couple of places but due to short duration of daylight; there's not many places that we can go to. The first place that we went to was Cambridge. At first, Cambridge was just an overnight stop but due to the flight delay we only reached there the next morning. We went to see Cambridge Uni which was quite beautiful as the buildings are classic with brick wall and old architecture. We want to go into one of the residential college but it only open to public till noon and we arrived there at 1pm. I would love to go into the college, it imagined it would be like the halls in Harry Potter movies. Next stop is Standford-Upon-Avon which was the birthplace of the famous William Shakespeare. As I said earlier due to limited daylight

Stranded in Stansted

Hello all, I've arrived safely at Stansted Airport though the flight delayed for an hour an a half. We were scheduled to arrived at 10pm London time but due to the delay, we only landed at 11.30pm. Getting through the immigration and collected our luggage, by the time we came out to the arrival hall it was already 1am. So, we had to change our plan a bit. We were supposed to get our rental car upon arrival and drive up to Cambridge and spend the night there. Since we arrived too late and the shop already closed, we decided to wait at the airport for the rental to open for business. The weather here is freezing cold. Currently the temperature is about -3 degree. Trust me it is cold and the local time is about 3am. People are sleeping everywhere at the airport. On the benches, next to check in counters, against a wall; any potential space there can be you can see people sleeping there.   Stansted Aiport at 3am and -3degree We made our own territory at the Airpo

Going Away~

In 6 hours time I'll be on the plane to London Yippeee.. I'll be on holiday till the 13th of January I'll try to update my blog during the holiday If not I'll update it when I get back Bye-bye everyone~ P/S: For those who have exams, Good Luck I wish to you and for those who are still on holiday, enjoy your holiday while you still can

Salam Maal Hijrah

To all Muslims around the world Happy New Year Hopefully this year is better than the last. I received 2 news at the start of this new year. One of them is good but one of them is not so good. The good news is that my work during last summer on mango is in the process of being publish. I am so happy when I received an email from my previous supervisor asking me to proofread the draft of the paper. Although I am not the primary author but still it will be my first publication. The bad news is I need to move house again. My current house has been sold and the new owner want to renovate it. I had sensed that we had to move out when the agent starts to bring people to see the house. The location of the house is so good and the rent is cheap. i don't know if I will find the house that will be as convenient as this one. Not to mention the space of the house. That means I need to go on house hunting again and just don't like to go on house hunting. It is so irritating

Cuti-cuti Malaysia

Sekejap saja masa berlalu. Dalam tak sedar sudah 3 minggu aku ada kat Malaysia. Rasa macam lama aje dah balik sebab banyak betul aktivti rupa-rupanya dah nak dekat sebulan. Sejak balik ni baru last weekend ada kat Shah Alam. Itupun kalau ikutkan dah nak ke Ipoh dah, untuk kenduri kawin kakak Diana tapi atas sebab-sebab tertentu terpaksa dibatalkan lagipun cousin aku datang dari Besut so bawa dia jalan-jalan kat sini. Minggu first aku balik sini tak buat apa-apa pun cuma guling-guling kat rumah hilangkan penat. Tapi weekend tu balik Besut sebab raya haji. Ingat dah tak dapat nak balik dah sebab banjir tapi Alhamdulillah tak ada apa-apa pun sepanjang balik sana. Hari kitorang nak balik ke SA tu start balik hujan. Besar sungguh kekuasaan Allah kerana tak ada setitik pun hujan sepanjang 3 hari raya tu. Tapi raya kali ni tak best sangat sebab ada aunt n uncle yang tak balik sebab tak dapat cuti. Rumah tokwan tak semeriah raya puasa. Lepas balik dari Besut tu next weekend pergi

My bad

I just want to dedicate this post to someone. I don't know if she reads it or not but i just want to get it out. " I'm sorry if I've been a disappointment to you. It was not my intention to say those words to you. It was suppose to come out differently but I don't know why it came out like that. I'm sorry if I made you sad. I hope you forgive me and I promise I won't be so selfish in the future. I'm really really sorry"

Another year older

Celebrated my 22nd birthday 3 days ago Nothing fancy just a small celebration with my family Another year older means another year wiser I hope my 22nd year of my life will be full of happiness and blessings. The shared birthday cake