Going Away~

In 6 hours time I'll be on the plane to London
Yippeee.. I'll be on holiday till the 13th of January
I'll try to update my blog during the holiday
If not I'll update it when I get back
Bye-bye everyone~

P/S: For those who have exams, Good Luck I wish to you
and for those who are still on holiday, enjoy your holiday while you still can


  1. cisss za takde cuti lama pon cam korunk tau.. aigooo.. bestnye bercuti. dah 10 taun tak pegi cuti tau~ huhukk!

  2. wah..nanti pas ko balik holiday kite mesti jumpe tau...rindu gile kat ko ni...

  3. zara: abes study nnt b4 stat keje ko g la holiday..hehe
    ninie: mesti tau..aku ade 2 mggu pas aku blk holiday kat mesia b4 aku blk aussie blk


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