
What I'll be writing in this post is just some things that I did during my two weeks holiday.

Well this is the highlight of the holiday of couse. 12 days of precious time spend with family in Malaysia is just marvelous. For those who have been away from home for and haven't seen their family for quite a while will know this kind of feeling. It's really hard for me to explain it in words. It felt so good to be with your loved ones especially since the extended family are all gathered together. Even my 'aunt' who is in japan is back home for raya. It was a short trip back home. As it was short, an evil thought came across my mind on the last day at home. I wish I could just stop studying in Brisbane and stay at home with my loved ones. I do not want to come back to Brisbane and for the first time, I was close to tears at the airport on my way back. But then I comforted myself by saying that I will be back again in 2 months time so for the time being just bear with it.
My sibs
The next big event after I came back from Malaysia was Asean Uni Games,  a sporting event for people from ASEAN countries. The morning that I landed in Gold Coast, I went straight to the track for athletics. I only ran for 4x100m as I cannot make it in time for 100m. Even so, I was glad that I could contribute to the team. Later on the day there was a festival where people sold the significant dishes from each country (well not really from each country as the most of the stalls where the Indo's stall), fashion show, performances and games. The next day was the basketball game. Man, I wished we had more training. If we were to train like we train for NCG, there was a possibility that we could have came second instead of third. For this I blame myself as I was too busy before the holiday plus fasting made us have no time for training. Futsal was the day after basketbal,l this was the biggest victory for the Malaysian teams. The guys 'bolot' the top 4 position only losing the second place to Singapore and the 2 girls team manage to get silver and gold. Finally, our dreams came true as this is what we dreamed for NCG but fail to achieve. Good job to all Malaysian athletes.

Malaysian athletic team
My basketball girls
Futsal Msia - 2 Teams
The remaining days of my holiday includes our open house, MASCA open house and the not-so-exciting burying myself in research papers doing my assignment.
Cupcakes made by my housemate, Diana for our open house
MASCA Raya Open House
That wraps up my spring break 2009,
Till then~


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