
Showing posts from January, 2010

10 years of friendship

Semalam ada reunion membe2 zaman sekolah menengah dulu. Pejam celik dah 10 tahun rupanya kitorg berjumpa. Ingat lagi, first time jumpa/kenal mereka2 ni pada 19 Januari 2000, memang lama betul. So, semalam sempena 10 tahun kitorg punya friendship anniversary, kitorg buat reunion secara besar-besaran. Walaupun takdela besar mana tapi ramai juga yang hadir. Adala dalam 20++ orang yang hadir. Best betul dapat gather macam ni, rasa macam zaman sekolah balik. Semua perangai gila2 semua keluar. Walaupun last minute planning, Alhamdulillah semuanya berjalan dengan lancar. Memula separuh dari kitorg masuk Sunway Lagoon dulu. Yang lain ada hal pagi2 tu so dorg tak dapat join nak main and bermandi-manda. Rasanya baru je hari tu pergi main waterpark kat Gambang nie main lagi tapi sebab main ngan membe so lagi best la. Syok sangat main sampai hp pun join skali main air kat situ..hehe..Gelabah la juga bila tak boleh on hp tu, tapi nasib baik pas jemur seharian bawah matahari tadi dapat on balik

A week from now..

A week from now I'll be packing by bags ready to go back to Brisbane. Another year to go and I'll be done with my degree. Owh, I so don't want to go back just yet. So many things that are happening in February that I'm gonna miss. Don't talk about February even on the day of my departure next Saturday I'll be missing my dearest aunt's engagement. Oh bother.. But part of me want to go back early. I need to search for a house again as we were being kicked out ( not really kicked out but being asked to move when the lease end ) by the new owner as he want to renovate the house. I was hoping ( so much for high hope. you know it's not gonna happen, huda ) that he would delay the renovating thing so that I can just stay there for another year without hassle. I love that place, it's so convenient and it's been my shelter for a year and a half already without realizing it. I really hate to go on another house hunting session, with all the inspection

You and I

Hello again, I've been updating this blog quite frequently this month as I have nothing to do at home plus the holiday updates. For this post I want to share a solo debut song by one of 2NE1's member, Park Bom. This song is different to the songs that 2NE1 sang. I guess you do need something different out if you want shine right?. I like Bom in the MV she's so sweet. I'll let you guys decide when you watch the MV. The original MV Making of MV version

Ketika Cinta Bertasbih

Banyak betul buku yang nak baca sebelum balik Aussie ni. Hari tu dah bawa balik buku dari sana sebab nak kosongkan almari kat sana, tengok2 bawa buku baru plak ke sana. Jadi tak ada perubahan pun pada almari tu nanti. Dari balik Msia hari tu abah kata dia nak tengok movie ‘Ketika Cinta Bertasbih’, cari kat youtube tak ada lagi padahal kat Indo dah keluar dari Jun lagi. Ni gara2 tengok Ayat-ayat Cinta last year la ni, bila dia tahu ada cerita lain dari penulis nak sama dia pun nak tengok. Seminggu sebelum aku ke UK hari tu angah ada download cerita tu tapi aku tak sempat tengok. Bila dah balik ni mak kata dah 3 kali dia tangok movie tu. Kalau mak yang tak suka tengok movie pun dah tengok 3 kali, mesti best cerita ni. Sabtu hari tu pergi MPH kat SACC, sebab una nak cari buku sekolah dia. Tetiba Nampak abah usha novel ‘Ketika Cinta Bertasbih’ (fanatic sungguh ayahku dengan cerita ni) yang combine vol.1 and 2 and hardcover, tapi bila tengok harga, mak aih..mahalnya. Tak jadi nak b

Accomodations In Europe

Accommodations in UK and Prague are mainly at friends place. These are the hotels that we stayed at other places. Amsterdam Hotel Kooyk Leidsekade 82, Amsterdam 1017 PM, Netherlands +31206230295 Rate: 90 euro per room per night (triple room including breakfast) Paris Lille Lourve Hotel 8 Rue du Pelican, Paris +33142333342 Rate: 105 euro per room per night (triple room including breakfast) Venice Hotel Alle Guglie Ponte delle Guglie, Rio Tera San Leonardo, Cannaregio 1523 30121 Venezia, Italia +39041717351 Rate: 85 euro per room per night (triple room including breakfast) Rome  Auditorium Di Mecenate Via Dello Statuto 44 Rome, 00185 Italia +39064881464 Rate: 59 euro per room per night (triple room including breakfast)

UK/Europe: The finale

We were supposed to head back to London on the 11th. The flight was supposed to leave at 9.05pm but when we checked in our bags, the lady at the counter said that the flight was delayed for 2 hours as they expected the aircraft to arrive from London at 11.30pm. We were like, not again; another transportation problem. We were never lucky with transport all along and till the very end. Luckily they gave us refreshment coupons but it’s not that much. By the time we board the plane; all of us were really tired plus sleepy and dozed off even before the plane took off. Arriving in London, we were among the first to get off but when we got to the immigration counter they said that we need to fill in a landing card. WTH!! and by that time the line was really2 long as all of the passengers had got off the plane. By the time we settled everything it was already 2 in the morning. We found a quite spot at the airport and slept on ciktie’s sleeping bag. Seriously we do look like those homeless p

Ceska republika

10/1/10 Semalam landing je kat prague kitorg cuak gila sebab tak nampak pape pun kat luar tingkap sebab snow lebat gila. Lain benar dengan Rome yang boleh pakai sweater nipis je. Tapi snow kat sini tak boleh blah, tebal gila. Biasanya kalau pijak snow kaki still kat atas snow sebab snow tu dah padat, ni pijak snow kaki sampai tenggelam. Abis la basah kasut and seluar. White Prague The thick snow in Prague Hari ni sumorg macam malas nak kuar. Satu sebab penat and kedua sebab snow kat luar tebal n its still snowing. Rasa macam nak duduk umah and duk bawah selimut je. Tapi sebab 2 hari je kat Prague kena keluar juga. So dengan malasnya kitorg ke Prague castle. Castle ni lawa sangat, kalau summer mesti lagi lawa. Time winter macam ni nampak memutih jela sebab snow. Lepas tu kitorg ke Charles bridge yang sangat femes kat sini. Sempat juga pergi tengok astronomical clock kat old town square. Ingat nak jalan lama2 kat old town square tapi sebab tak tahan sejuk kitorg pun balik.

La Roma Part 2

8/1/10 The highlight for today was Vatican City. Vatican city is actually a country by itself. Here, we visited the Vatican City Museum, Basilica San Pietro where we went inside the church. We also visited places where the movie Angels and Demons were shot. After that we continue exloring the other parts of Rome namely Piazza del Popolo, Via del Corso the main straight street of Rome, Spanish steps, Fontana di Trevi and Tempio Adriano.  Vatican Museum Some of the exhibitions inside Vatican Museum The architecture inside Vatican Museum Octahedral Court at Vatican Museum A scene that can be found in Angels and Demons Basilica di San Pietro Inside Basilica di San Pietro A place in the movie Angels and Demons where the man burns himself Swiss Army guarding the Basilica Piazza del Popolo heading towards Via del Corso Fontana di Trevi Tempio Adriano Spanish Steps Today we also witnessed two dramas. the first one was on our way

La Roma Part 1

6/1/10 Rome, what to say about rome. The weather is what we'd expected of Italy coz it was 15 degree on the day we arrived but the people there are cunning. Well, not all of them but that was my first impression. They try to rip you off especially everywhere especially at tourist sites. So whoever dreams of going there, you have to be careful. When we arrived at the airport, we were looking for the shuttle bus to the city as the airport is quite far from the central. Then this one man approached us and ask us couple of questions. We thought that he want to help us but then he took us to a black van which seems like a private shuttle bus. I know at that moment that this was not right as we expected a white bus which says shuttle bus. Now we had to pay double of what we were expected to pay. After we checked in to our hotel, we head out and the hotel personnel asked us to get the 3 day public transport pass as it's easier to get around. He said that all the places are far

Lost in Venice

Aloha..hehe.. I felt like I'm at a wrong place. Currently I'm in Venice, the third stop of our euro trip and third last stop of the trip as well. Venice is totally different to what we expected (except for the lots of water part). We thought that Italy would be a bit warmer it's located south of Europe, but when we reached here, it was snowing. We were totally wrong.  I think throughout this trip we were not that lucky with transportation. The other day, on our way to Gatwick Airport, there was a bit of problem with the bus. Then on our way to Paris, the problem with the train. This time, on our way to the airport at Paris, there's a delay with the train heading to the airport. We took the train near our hotel and we were supposed to change train at Aulnay saus-Bois for the airport train. However, when we reached Aulnay saus-Bois, the airport train was supposed to arrived in 3 minutes, but we waited for nearly 45 minutes before the train arrived. Upon arrival at the