A week from now..

A week from now I'll be packing by bags ready to go back to Brisbane. Another year to go and I'll be done with my degree. Owh, I so don't want to go back just yet. So many things that are happening in February that I'm gonna miss. Don't talk about February even on the day of my departure next Saturday I'll be missing my dearest aunt's engagement. Oh bother..

But part of me want to go back early. I need to search for a house again as we were being kicked out (not really kicked out but being asked to move when the lease end) by the new owner as he want to renovate the house. I was hoping (so much for high hope. you know it's not gonna happen, huda) that he would delay the renovating thing so that I can just stay there for another year without hassle. I love that place, it's so convenient and it's been my shelter for a year and a half already without realizing it. I really hate to go on another house hunting session, with all the inspections and applications. Let's pray that I'll get a decent house asap without much trouble k.

Another thing that made me want to go back early was that my supervisor's PA already emailed asking me my availability for the trainings and inductions that I need to do before I commence my lab works. I though that we already settled it before I got back last November. Then I guess I was wrong. I wish that they told me that I need to go throught all those boring stuff again as I can then adjust my flight. Now I will miss the inductions for this month and need to wait till the middle of next month till I can do the labwork as the inductions were only held once a month. Another bother as it means that I will start my lab work later than I expected (sigh..).

Now with only a week left of my holiday it's gonna be a busy week. I'll be seeing my high school buddies tomorrow at Sunway Lagoon. It was a last minute thing and I hope that it all goes as planned, InsyaAllah. Some of them I haven't seen since 2006 and some even since I left school. I will have a good time with them tomorrow coz I have a hunch that it will be a go as planned.

I'll be heading to Seremban on Sunday to see my dear brother whom I need to meet before I'm going back next week. His school is so strict that he can't get a weekend of to go back home. And I'll be going to JB on Monday till Thursday to see my beloved grandma. I fell like such a sinner as only after 2 months in Malaysia and towards the end of my holiday that I went to visit her. Sorry tok, your granddaughter's holiday schedule is quite tight. Then back again to another Friday next week, the only day left before I'm going back.

That's all left of my holiday. How time flies, 2 months pass by in a blink. of an eye Do pray for me that I will do well on my final year and hope that I will get a scroll at the end of the year with good results. InsyaAllah.

Till then~


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