La Roma Part 2

The highlight for today was Vatican City. Vatican city is actually a country by itself. Here, we visited the Vatican City Museum, Basilica San Pietro where we went inside the church. We also visited places where the movie Angels and Demons were shot. After that we continue exloring the other parts of Rome namely Piazza del Popolo, Via del Corso the main straight street of Rome, Spanish steps, Fontana di Trevi and Tempio Adriano. 
Vatican Museum
Some of the exhibitions inside Vatican Museum
The architecture inside Vatican Museum
Octahedral Court at Vatican Museum
A scene that can be found in Angels and Demons
Basilica di San Pietro
Inside Basilica di San Pietro
A place in the movie Angels and Demons where the man burns himself
Swiss Army guarding the Basilica
Piazza del Popolo heading towards Via del Corso
Fontana di Trevi

Tempio Adriano
Spanish Steps

Today we also witnessed two dramas. the first one was on our way out from Vatican city, we passed by a bridge crossing Fiume Tever (Tiber River) where a bot was stranded in the middle of the river because its anchor was attached to the rubbish inside the river. They had to call a crane to come and remove the rubbish for the boat to move. The second drama was a car that park at a corner of road which blocked the way of a bus that wants to turn. The bus honed a few times in hope to make the owner of the car aware of the situation. The honed incident took quite a while. An elderly woman was pissed of with the car owner that we went down the bus and walked to the car to tell the driver off. So much drama for one day. 
The boat that was stuck on Tiber River
Here in Rome, there's a lot of Pakistani. Most of them are selling souvenir at the roadside. they are also familiar with Malaysian as they always guessed right that we are from Malaysia and they can even speak a bit of the Malay language. There's one halal shop that we dined here, the people there spoke Malay to us. From taking our order until we paid for our food. Our theory was that these people must have worked in Malaysia before and then come here to open a shop. The funny thing is, when most of the guessed correctly, there's this one Pakistani guy that thought we were Korean or Japanese as he greeted us in those languages. Do we even look like Korean or Japanese?

Last day here in Rome before we fly out to Prague tonight. In the morning, we spent some time at Piazza Navona and Pantheon. Here I got to know that Pantheon is actually a church. It was raining mostly today so we didn't explore much. So after lunch, we decided to take the shuttle bus from Termini (terminal) to the airport. The shuttle bus actually costs 4.50 euro half of the price of what we paid when we came here. We just jang around at the airport till it was time to board the plane. Last stop, Prague here I come.
Fountain of 4 rivers at Piazza Navona

Inside Pantheon and Michelangelo's tomb

Our hotel name and camwhoring in the vintage lift to our hotel.
 Till then~
