
Showing posts from 2014

Please pray for them

I'm back in Coventry after three weeks of traveling. The trip was a whole lot of fun but the news that I heard/read from back home during the trip was devastating. So many misfortunes happened in 2014, with the two Malaysian Airlines incidents still fresh in mind; the world was shocked by the missing Air Asia plane a few days ago. In addition, the terrible flood that is affecting the east coast of West Malaysia, where some of my mum's side of the family are affected by it. Be strong to all the people and families affected. My prayers goes to all of you.

Where to?

I should really get some sleep as I'll be catching the bus to London in the next 5 hours and I need to leave my house early to bus stop as the bus is not that frequent due to uni holiday and some roadworks. I'm off for my winter trip with my mum and my sis; and my two aunties will be joining us along the way. So, where I'll be heading to? here's some hint. Wink wink. Will write about the trip as soon as I come back. Promise!

Done done done

I am officially done with Term 1 of my Masters Degree!!! That was fast right? I couldn't believe myself that it was over already and another 9 months I'll be done with this program. But mind you I didn't realize it will be this hectic. I have been warned that it will be busy, I just didn't realized that it will be VERY, VERY busy. With new module (subject/course) every two weeks and each module there are three assessments to be submitted within the timeline. So basically, an exam, presentation and written essay to be submitted within the two weeks period. Though the essay is due 4 weeks after the module is due, I still have another going on at the same time. It was not what I imagined when I signed up for this course. But I'm a quarter way there already, might as well see it to the end.  Literally how I felt during throughout the term (Taken from 9gag) So, here I am resting at home after completing my exam and presentation today. The exam was a bit hard and mos

Back on court

Yesterday I went to Nottingham University for the annual Nottingham Malaysian Games where I participated in netball. It's been a while since I played netball and I'm glad to be able to play again in a tournament again. Brings me back memories of NCG back in Oz. Well, we didn't make it to the semi as from the 5 groups consisting of 5-6 teams each; only the top 4 teams will make it to semi without going through quarter finals. Don't ask me why they don't have quarter finals, ask the organizers. Though we did win all of our group matches except one. If we would have won that match I guess we would have made it to the semi. Oh well, luck wasn't on our side. We will try harder for other games next year. But, we did have fun. That's the most important thing. Warwick Netball Team Us and catching up this girl when I'm there

Rainy day in Oxford

Last weekend, I joined the International Office trip to Oxford with my classmate and housemate. We departed from uni at about 8.45am and reached Oxford about an hour and  half later. The weather was kind of gloomy that day and later on it rained most of the day which partly affected our trip as well. We first head to Oxford Covered Market to kill time before our walking tour starts at 11.30am. The market house butchers, greengrocers, bakeries and gift shops. Inside Oxford Covered Market Since it was Saturday, the market was quite busy. Then we started our tour at Balliol College which was believed to be the oldest College in Oxford, established in 1263. Then we head to Sheldonian Theatre, the building is now used for graduation ceremony as well as other purposes. That day, the building was closed as graduation ceremony was held. Balliol College The tour group Graduation ceremony on the day Then we were brought to the Bodleian Library, one of the oldest library in

Back to school

Salam, As most of you already know, I'm back in school to pursue my postgraduate study. It's only been the second day and I'm already feeling tired. I think it's going to be a roller coaster ride for me for the next one year. And did I mention that I already received an assignment that I need to hand in next Friday. Well, wish me luck and pray that everything will go smoothly for me here. I'll treat you to some photos: A book I found at Car boot Sale that i think might be useful for me =P Excited kid on her first day of school and around my new school.

I'm safe

Salam to all, Just want to let you all know that I have safely arrived in UK. Though not yet in Coventry but currently in Bristol. I landed at Heathrow Airport last Saturday around 4.30pm local time without much hassle from the immigration and border control. But I had to wait for my sister to arrived from Qatar before taking the bus to Bristol at 1 in the morning. Finally managed to reach Bristol at 3am. I'm still struggling with jetlag and trying to beat it by being a tourist around Bristol. Heathrow Airport 20092014 2307 Well, this post won't be about Bristol, will write about it soon. I just want to express my gratitude to my colleagues and friends that held farewells for me. My colleagues organized a lunch potluck for me which I was deeply touched and they personally cooked the dishes for the event. Lunch with Tiff, Shermynn and Becky before they head off for their holiday and they won't be around during the potluck lunch. Some of the delicious foods coo

How to pack?

In the midst of packing my stuff,I found this cute and helpful tip on packing. Well, I do need to squeeze a year of supply into 1 big suitcase, a cabin luggage and my backpack. So, hope this is useful for all travelers out there including myself. Hopefully I'll get my packing done by tomorrow so that I can rest on Friday before flying off the next day. Wanna have a sneak peak of what I've packed so far? Malaysians abroad will definitely understand this..hehe

Chocolate Brownies

I've decided to put my chef hat on today and share with you my chocolate brownie recipe that I've been using since my undergrad days. I'm baking tonight to bring to the potluck lunch that my colleagues have organized for me and they have requested for me to bake for them so here it is. Ingredients 85g baking chocolate 1/2 cup butter 1 cup sugar (I usually only use 3/4 cup sugar) a pinch of salt 2 eggs 1 tsp vanilla extract 3/4 cup flour 3/4 cup chocolate chip and nuts The ingredients Procedure 1. Combine butter and baking chocolate until both of them melt 2. Add sugar and salt. Mix. 3. Add egg one by one and vanilla extract. Stir until the mixture is homogenous. 4. Sprinkle flour slowly into the mixture. 5. Add chocolate chips and nuts into the the mixture and mix. 6. Pour the mixture into a baking tray and bake at 180 deg C for 30-45 mins. 7. Cool on a cooling rack. Ready to put in the oven Topping 1. On low heat, mix milk and baking chocol