
Showing posts from 2012

Petronas Switch or Xtra: The Contest

Salam, I need your help. Please watch the videos below as many times as you can and help me win this competition. And please watch it before 3rd Dec as that is the dateline that I have for people to watch these videos. Please Please Please help me win this competition. Thank you.

PETRONAS Switch for Xtra BTS

Salam, As promised, I'll share the behind the scene story of Petronas Switch for Xtra competition. Our team's mission started on Friday, 2nd Nov where, we had to go to Wangsa Maju Section 2 Petronas Station. We gathered there at 8am and set the place up, make up etc and starting our mission at 10am. Doing some paperwork Getting the car ready A pose before we start A pose with the car first Our first mission was to sell 20 units of boboiboy figurines within 2 hours. It was quite challenging, as some people do not even know whom boboiboy is. In addition, since it was a working day and our location was at housing area, there were not many people. This was where we need to use the power of social media to tweet our location and our challenge to ask for our family, friends and Scha’s fans to help to complete the challenge. In the end, we managed to sell 27 units of boboiboy figurines in 1 hour and 30minutes.  After completing this mission, we were give

PETRONAS Switch for XTRA Race Appreciation Party

Remember my past post that I mentioned I went for audition? Well guess what, I MADE IT!!!!!  I attended the Appreciation Party for the first phase of the competition today at Delicious, Dua Residency on Jalan Tun Razak, KL and they announced that I was chosen. I'm so happy. So I'll be joining Scha next month in a road trip around Malaysia. I don't know where I'll be heading to but I'll update here as soon as I know. Here are some photos during the event today. Enjoying the food The event is about to start Winners for the first round - Team Scha One of the two lucky winners to be joining Scha on a road trip With the beautiful Scha The 4 teams. Game on guys!! Fan girl mode With my plus one FBI Gangnam Style? Shooting promo vid for our team Precious memories Here's the audition video that they showed during the event: Stay tune for my Switch for XTRA story. Till then~


I went for an audition this morning and no, I'm not joining any reality show. I was invited to auditioned for the Petronas Switch For Xtra Road Challenge and if I'm selected, I'll be joining Scha Al-Yahya for a road trip around Malaysia. YEAY!! This is my first time joining such contest and luck was on my side. First timers luck maybe? Do pray for me and I'll update here if I get chose. Till then~

Alhamdulillah..another one

I can't really tell you how grateful I'm feeling right now. Today an email came into my inbox, it was from my supervisor from the School of Pharmacy. The work that I did for 3 months last year was finally published today.  All I can say right now is Alhamdulillah..Alhamdulillah and Alhamdulillah. Though my current scope of work does not involve any lab work, I wish one day I will get back in the lab and do research instead of paperwork =). Here's a snapshot of the first page: My second paper

Beetles and Roses (Kumbang dan Bunga)

In this post I'm sharing the knowledge that I gained from attending the Beetles and Roses talk recently held at Taylors Lakeside University, Puchong last Tuesday. This talk was organized by the Muslim Student Association of Taylors University with Wardina Safiyyah and Aiman Azlan as the panel.   1. How to manage a friendship between  male and female? a. Check your intention - what's the reason for the interaction b. Always listen to your heart. It detects when we cross the boundaries. A pure heart will have 6th sense, when we do something wrong, it will detect it. There's no such things as a perfect match. Everyone has their flaws. Accept the person as they are. Our relationship with Allah is a love story. Love Him and He will lead you to happiness We need a pure heart to love purely. Love that can be maintain is true love. So attach your love to something that is eternal (Allah) and not something that is temporary (beauty, physical, wealth etc). 2. Get t

Being Me Conference KL

On the 30 th of June I was lucky to attend an all female muslimah conference in Kuala Lumpur. The conference was called Being Me and it was held at Matrade Building at Jalan Duta. Here I wanted to share with you my fellow readers the knowledge that gained from the conference, as the hadith of Prophet Muhammad which said, “Spread knowledge even if it’s one verse” I hope this post will be beneficial to all of you.  Picture taken from Google image When you have nothing to do, recite surah Al-Ikhlas 10 times. Whoever recites Surah Al-Ikhlas 10 times a day Allah will built a palace in Jannah for that person. Yasmin Mogahed - Free from all other masters   We need to change our standard of beauty as our body and soul was created for something higher than thin, sexy and beautiful Stand up and tell the world that we are a slave of God and God alone. Don’t worship beauty We are a slave of God. Don’t worship a person’s beauty and fashion sense. Our mind and soul   (on love based

Happy Father's Day

Semalam tokwan tiba di rumah dalam siri lawatan menziarah anak-anak yang bermastautin di Lembah klang. Empat orang anak beliau berada di lembah kelang. Zaman telah berubah, dahulu anak-anak yang menziarah orang tua, atas alasan kesibukan, ibu bapa pula yang datang menziarah anak-anak. Tokwan adalah seorang yang suka bercerita, cara org tua2 untuk menghiburkan anak dan cucu. Kebetulan pula TV LCD 37" dirumahku rosak dan tidak kesempatan utk menghantarnya ke workshop untuk dibaiki. Penyelesaian ringkas: ambil TV LCD 20" yg kecil di ruangan atas dan diletakkan dihadapan TV LCD yang rosak. Pendekkan cerita masih lagi dapat menonoton TV walaupun screennya sekarang kecil. Tokwan kehairanan kenapa ada TV kecil didepan TV besar dan kenapa tengok TV kecil dan bukannya TV besar. Adikku menyatakan sebabnya. Tapi tokwan mencelah: (dalam loghat kelantan). Bukan, sebenarnya ibu dia (TV besar) melahirkan anak dia (TV kecil) tapi masa melahirkan anak, ibunya (TV besar) mati, yang hidup cum


Today I started my Korean language class. It's the first class out of a total of 10 classes that I've signed up for. I've always wanted to learn Korean since my uni days. But I thought that I'll waste my uni credit if I didn't perform in the subject then. I wanted to learn after coming back to Malaysia during my unemployment days, but I didn't find any language course that fits my budget.  When Groupon Malaysia had a discount for introductory Korean class for RM155, I signed up for it straight away. 10 weeks of 1.5 hours/week classes for only RM155. It's cheap right? You can not get it elsewhere. Plus, it's being taught by a native Korean. In the first lesson today, I learn the Korean characters. It's like going back to kindergarten learning ABC, instead now it's Korean ABC. I found that Korean alphabet it's just like our usual abc except that it's written differently. The Korean language is actually a sound language. As long as you kn

Chipmunk cheek

Yesterday I had a minor surgery to remove my wisdom tooth. There was not enough space in my mouth for the tooth to grow so it is growing diagonally hitting my last molar tooth. Due to that, my dentist suggested that I remove the wisdom tooth as it might affect my oral health. My wisdom tooth was growing like #2. Image taken from Therefore, yesterday was the surgery day. Firstly, the dentist gave me local anaesthetic. Then they had to cut open my gum to have access to the wisdom tooth before pulling the tooth out. The pulling part hurt a bit as the root was very deep and the young dentist who performed the surgery was not able to pull the tooth out from its place. Finally, a senior dentist managed to pull it out after a strong pull. Then they had to sew the hole where the tooth used to be. Then they also had to remove the top wisdom tooth or else it will hit the bottom gum and cause pain. Therefore, 2 wisdom teeth removed in one day. However, the removal of the to

Not a word, just smile ;)

I heard this on the radio today and I though I share it here. Quote of the day: Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile Happy Friday everyone ;)

It's been a year

It's been a year already since I came back from Brisbane. Wow, I mean like a total one year, 365 days in Malaysia. Lot of things have happen within this one year and I hope a lot more to come within the next year. I'm happy that I made the choice to come back and I'm not regretting it.

He's Out

After 20 days.... My baby J is finally out from the workshop YEAY!!!!! And he's as good as new Alhamdulillah  ;)

Mind your own business

A very good video by a young girl. Please spare some time to watch it. P/S: Please let me know if I'm doing any mistake as I can't see my own mistake.

Durham Reunited

Had a good time catching up with ex-housemates ;) We should do it more often girls Mama Mia, Ami, & Me P/S: Rindu Brisbane

Get well soon, Johnny

My dear Johnny was involved in a minor accident yesterday. I was on my way back to the office from my lunch break. Coming out from a junction, I saw the car in front of me heading left. I was looking right to make sure it's clear, lift my foot from the break and I heard a screeching sound. Johnny kissed the butt of a white Toyota uncle. I came out of Johnny and said sorry to the Toyota owner. We exchanged phone number and before I can get a glimpse of his car reg number, he left the scene. Last night, I went all the way to IPD PJ to make a police report. It turns out, you can't simply go to any police station to make an accident report. It has to be reported at the district police station. As mine happened at Kelana Jaya which is in PJ, I have to go to PJ to make the report. Luckily, the police there are very friendly and there's not many people there which made the process a lot easier. Today, I spent the whole morning settling this matter. Firstly, admit Johnny to Pro

Bon voyage

Just got back from sending my dad and bro to the airport.  They are on their way to become Allah's guest on the holy land of Mecca. Safe journey to the both of you and see you both in 10 days.

Jakarta and Bandung the Finale

Day 5: We had packed our bags and head straight to the airport as our flight back to KL was at 8.30 in the morning. We had breakfast at the airport before boarding the plane. Luckily we still had some cash on us as we had to pay airport tax of Rp.150K.  Ready to go back home Breakfast before heading home That’s all for my Indonesia trip. Hope you had fun reading this.  Footnote:  The best way to travel around Jakarta and Bandung is via taxi or rent a car with driver as you wouldn’t want to drive yourself around these two cities.  For taxi, use the blue bluebird taxi as these are metered taxi, it’s very affordable and you won’t get ripped by the taxi driver. However, if you travel in group of more than 4 people, it’s best if you can rent a car. The car rental is usually about Rp.450-500K per day for a Toyota Avanza (can fit up to 8 people). You will have the flexibility of travelling at your own pace and there’s a driver that will take you to the places that you want

Indonesia with Besties: Jakarta

Day 3: We spent the morning at Pasar Baru Market for last minute shopping. Pasar Baru is an 8 storey shopping mall that sells various items from clothes, bags, fabrics, wedding gifts and even vegetables. The price here is quite cheap compared to the price in Malaysia.  Walking towards Pasar Baru Pasar Baru, Bandung We bought some pretty prayer gowns and my friends even bough fabric for her wedding outfit. I didn’t had time to buy some fabrics for baju kurung. Since we were here for only a few hours, we only managed to cover 2 floors out of 8. I wished we had more time to explore this place as tehre’s a lot more things that we didn’t get to shop for. Maybe we’ll do a lot more shopping in Jakarta.  We had Sundanese food for lunch at one of the restaurant opposite the market and head back to our hotel to check out and got a taxi to send us to Xtrans station for our shuttle bus to Jakarta. There was a bit of drama as the taxi driver took us to the wrong Xtrans station. Then w