
Showing posts from 2009

Greetings from Cardiff

Today is my fourth day in UK. Thankfully I've gotten used to the local time but I still can't get used to the cold weather. It's freezing cold up here. The weather is so different from winter in Australia. Since we got our car, we've been to couple of places but due to short duration of daylight; there's not many places that we can go to. The first place that we went to was Cambridge. At first, Cambridge was just an overnight stop but due to the flight delay we only reached there the next morning. We went to see Cambridge Uni which was quite beautiful as the buildings are classic with brick wall and old architecture. We want to go into one of the residential college but it only open to public till noon and we arrived there at 1pm. I would love to go into the college, it imagined it would be like the halls in Harry Potter movies. Next stop is Standford-Upon-Avon which was the birthplace of the famous William Shakespeare. As I said earlier due to limited daylight

Stranded in Stansted

Hello all, I've arrived safely at Stansted Airport though the flight delayed for an hour an a half. We were scheduled to arrived at 10pm London time but due to the delay, we only landed at 11.30pm. Getting through the immigration and collected our luggage, by the time we came out to the arrival hall it was already 1am. So, we had to change our plan a bit. We were supposed to get our rental car upon arrival and drive up to Cambridge and spend the night there. Since we arrived too late and the shop already closed, we decided to wait at the airport for the rental to open for business. The weather here is freezing cold. Currently the temperature is about -3 degree. Trust me it is cold and the local time is about 3am. People are sleeping everywhere at the airport. On the benches, next to check in counters, against a wall; any potential space there can be you can see people sleeping there.   Stansted Aiport at 3am and -3degree We made our own territory at the Airpo

Going Away~

In 6 hours time I'll be on the plane to London Yippeee.. I'll be on holiday till the 13th of January I'll try to update my blog during the holiday If not I'll update it when I get back Bye-bye everyone~ P/S: For those who have exams, Good Luck I wish to you and for those who are still on holiday, enjoy your holiday while you still can

Salam Maal Hijrah

To all Muslims around the world Happy New Year Hopefully this year is better than the last. I received 2 news at the start of this new year. One of them is good but one of them is not so good. The good news is that my work during last summer on mango is in the process of being publish. I am so happy when I received an email from my previous supervisor asking me to proofread the draft of the paper. Although I am not the primary author but still it will be my first publication. The bad news is I need to move house again. My current house has been sold and the new owner want to renovate it. I had sensed that we had to move out when the agent starts to bring people to see the house. The location of the house is so good and the rent is cheap. i don't know if I will find the house that will be as convenient as this one. Not to mention the space of the house. That means I need to go on house hunting again and just don't like to go on house hunting. It is so irritating

Cuti-cuti Malaysia

Sekejap saja masa berlalu. Dalam tak sedar sudah 3 minggu aku ada kat Malaysia. Rasa macam lama aje dah balik sebab banyak betul aktivti rupa-rupanya dah nak dekat sebulan. Sejak balik ni baru last weekend ada kat Shah Alam. Itupun kalau ikutkan dah nak ke Ipoh dah, untuk kenduri kawin kakak Diana tapi atas sebab-sebab tertentu terpaksa dibatalkan lagipun cousin aku datang dari Besut so bawa dia jalan-jalan kat sini. Minggu first aku balik sini tak buat apa-apa pun cuma guling-guling kat rumah hilangkan penat. Tapi weekend tu balik Besut sebab raya haji. Ingat dah tak dapat nak balik dah sebab banjir tapi Alhamdulillah tak ada apa-apa pun sepanjang balik sana. Hari kitorang nak balik ke SA tu start balik hujan. Besar sungguh kekuasaan Allah kerana tak ada setitik pun hujan sepanjang 3 hari raya tu. Tapi raya kali ni tak best sangat sebab ada aunt n uncle yang tak balik sebab tak dapat cuti. Rumah tokwan tak semeriah raya puasa. Lepas balik dari Besut tu next weekend pergi

My bad

I just want to dedicate this post to someone. I don't know if she reads it or not but i just want to get it out. " I'm sorry if I've been a disappointment to you. It was not my intention to say those words to you. It was suppose to come out differently but I don't know why it came out like that. I'm sorry if I made you sad. I hope you forgive me and I promise I won't be so selfish in the future. I'm really really sorry"

Another year older

Celebrated my 22nd birthday 3 days ago Nothing fancy just a small celebration with my family Another year older means another year wiser I hope my 22nd year of my life will be full of happiness and blessings. The shared birthday cake

Raya Lagi

To all my friends and family,

Home Again~

I’m at home again after 2 months in Brisbane..I’ve wanted to update my blog the day I landed but I just can’t be bothered to write. It’s been two days at home already and I’ve done nothing at all. I haven’t had a good rest since I’ve finished my exams as my friend from Sydney came for a visit. Crazy moments with these people So, I am officially done with third year of my degree and one more year to go to complete my degree. How time flies, I still remember the first time I arrived in Brisbane. Everything seems so alien but now I’m quite familiar with it and I do have some thought of continuing my post graduate studies here. But leave that for later. I’ve watched New Moon last Saturday. It didn’t go to my expectations. I expected more but it was quite boring. I fall asleep during the movie and my friend keep poking me every now and then to wake me up..hehe. I think it’s because I’m not much of a Twilight Saga fan that’s why I find it quite boring. Honestly, I think that th

Seven days and counting down

Photo credit to PhdComic Alhamdulillah, I'm done with two of my exams and I'm only left with one more paper before I get my freedom. Thinking about ending the exam made me realized that in seven days time I will be back in Malaysia. How good does that sound? I was talking to my room mate last week that we have 2 more Sundays before we are headed home. I know that my room mate is really looking forward to go home. Such a strong person to last 2 years abroad without going back home. Now I know that I'm not as strong as I think I am..hehe Even though I have exam in 2 days time I can't help thinking of the plans after the exam. I only have 2 days after exam before I'll be going home. So many things to do in that short time. I don't know if I can get it done in time or not. Owh I just can't wait for this exam to finish. Two days seems soo long. Now I wished that I did maths instead of medicinal chemistry and I will be done by today. But we can't tur

Oh honours~

I've made up my mind regarding honours I'll be doing honours with my current supervisor Hopefully I've made the correct desicion and thank you to those who helped me during my dilemma (you know who you are) Can't wait for next year

Sorry to make you worry

Yesterday I got a call from home. I was praying the phone rang so I can't pick it up. I know it's someone from home as no number appear on the missed call list. That got me worried as it was around 7.30pm Malaysia time. Who would call at a time like that I know that my family won't call me because I'm the one who usually call home. Something must have happen that got them to call me at that time, that what I was thinking inside my head. When I call my home back in Malaysia, my sis picked up the phone. She sounded ok, like nothing bad has happened. Then I talked to my dad, then I know that they are worried about me as they haven't heard from me for nearly 3 weeks. They are worried that something happened to me (and I was worried that something had happened to them..hehe). Plus, I forgot to reply my mum's text the previous day which makes things worst. I feel like such a bad daughter for not checking up on them every week like I usually do. It's just

The End

30th October 2009 marked the end of my classes day in uni. But  I still have exam to get out of the way first before I'm officially done with my third year. After this it will be honours and I'll be in lab during things that I love to do *hooray*. But then the finding-the-project part for honours is trouble and making the decision for which project to do is another trouble. That's what  I'm going through right now. I didn't know it was that hard in making the desicion. I have three projects that I want to do and I feel like splitting my body into three parts so that I can do all three projects. That's how hard it is for me to make up my mind. Well, I kinda made up my desicion last week but I don't feel like I'm making the correct one. Don't askme why because I don't have the answer to it myself. For the time being I just wanna concentrate on my exam and make up my mind after I'm done with my exam. Hopefully I'm sure about my desicion


Two nights in a row I've been having nightmares What is it trying to say to me? Just thinking about it gave me goosebumps  I know that one day the nightmares will become a reality I just hope that it won't happen in the nearest time I'm just not ready for it yet

Unexpected Visitor

Last night I’ve had an unexpected visitor on my YM. I haven’t heard from this person for such a long time and suddenly this person appeared again. It’s kinda funny actually as another friend of mine asked about this person when I was back home during Raya. It’s like this person knew that my friend was asking about thou. To that person (you know who you are), if you are reading this, it’s good to know that you are in good health and it was nice talking to you even though it was a short conversation. I’m just glad that we are in talking terms again and hopefully we can get along well in the future. Hope to hear from you soon.


The dreaded Monday has come once again. I’ve always hated Monday as another long week is ahead of me with all sorts of stuff. Actually I kind of like today as I don’t have an assignment to submit this week and there’s no more long practical classes that I need to attend. I’ve just gone through 2 weeks of hectic and sleepless night and mind you it was not interesting at all. So, I’m quite looking forward to this week. Five assignments in 2 weeks were like hell for me which was what I’ve gone through for the past fortnight. Trust me I’m never going to do my work last minute ever again. It gave me so much suffering plus couple of emotional breakdowns. I think all uni student will face  this kind of situation some day or another during their uni life. But that’s all done  (alhamdulillah) and I’m quite proud of myself for getting it done on time though there were one or two late ones. Now, I have one week and a half of classes left. After the 30th of October I won’t be attending an

Love is Punishment

Don't freak out with the title of this post, it 's actually a title of a song . Recently, I 've just finished watching a Korean drama, Shining Inheritance . This drama is one of the must watch drama in my opinion though other people may think otherwise. At times I'm really annoyed with SeungKi's character for being such a spoilt brat but then this means that his acting skills are quite good since he's a ballad singer and not really an actor. This song is one of the OSTs of the drama  that keeps playing in head. So, I thought that I might share this song with others and see what others have to say about it..hehe... p/s: I  think K.Will has a really nice voice. Another song that keeps playing in my head is Surgeon Bong Dal Hee OST. I didn't watch this drama, so there's nothing I can comment  about it. I only like this song because my oppas (SS501) sang it..hehe.. Enjoy~

What I'll be writing in this post is just some things that I did during my two weeks holiday. RAYA Well this is the highlight of the holiday of couse. 12 days of precious time spend with family in Malaysia is just marvelous. For those who have been away from home for and haven't seen their family for quite a while will know this kind of feeling. It's really hard for me to explain it in words. It felt so good to be with your loved ones especially since the extended family are all gathered together. Even my 'aunt' who is in japan is back home for raya. It was a short trip back home. As it was short, an evil thought came across my mind on the last day at home. I wish I could just stop studying in Brisbane and stay at home with my loved ones. I do not want to come back to Brisbane and for the first time, I was close to tears at the airport on my way back. But then I comforted myself by saying that I will be back again in 2 months time so for the time being just be

Home Sweet Home

Salam, Ok this post have been delayed for more than a week. I just haven't had the time to write plus the limited access to internet also contributed to the delay. Finally after 1 year away from home I am back in my home in Shah Alam. I gave my family a surprise by appearing at the doorstep as they have no idea that I will be back home for Eid. Thanks for those who helped me (you know who you are) in making this a reality. The feeling of being home is so good that I forgot all the works that I left behind in Brissy and I'm just happy to be with my loved ones. Before this I feel a bit of regret for coming home when the semester is kinda hectic but when I was cleaning my room the day I got back I know that I made a right choice by coming home. I found my old organizer when I was cleaning my room and guess what I found on the first page. My youngest sister's writing which says: "Along, Una rindulah dekat along, rayalah dekat sini. Kalau along tak balik ma

Smiling from Ear to Ear ;)

Got a text message that really made my day yesterday.   Big smile to that..hehe~

First timer

Salam, On the 5th I went to watch rugby at Suncorp Stadium. There's a game between Wallabies (Australia) against Springboks (South Africa). This is my first time watching rugby live at Stadium and I kinda enjoy the game though it was a bit slow during the 1st half as there was no try. But the second half was better. I am there as a Wallabies supporter of course but the seating area that I got was mostly Springboks supporters. It was a new experience for me and I hope that I can go and watch another game in the future. Thanks to Apek and Joe for explaining everything that happened on the field. Well, I am a bit clueless about rugby though I know a bit about touch rugby. Here are some pics during the game, you can see more on facebook:  Some action on the field During the game. Jason, Apek n Me Half time. Us with the wallabies jumpsuit that was Apek and Joe's favourite outfit for the the night. After the game Till then~

So near yet so far

My dear SS501 are in KL right now. They were in Malaysia since 31st August for a shooting in KK and right now they are having a fan meeting in KL..Wish I was there~     P/S: Just a big fan of them. Love their songs..hehe

Goodbye winter and say hello to spring

Today is officially spring so no more cold weather even though winter in Brisbane is not that cold. Btw, it reached 31 degree celsius last week (or was it more than that?). Is that winter or what?. Now that spring is here I just can't wait to see the pretty flowers especially the jarandas bloom. raya 2007 at munro park with the jacarandas Owh I just love spring. Don't you?

Last day of winter

Just want to share this song with all of you. This song have been haunting me for sometimes now, it have so much meaning in it. What will you do if today is really your last day? Just have a think about it. Enjoy~  P/S: We never know when is our last day, so use the time that we have as wisely as we can and live life to the fullest. Till then~

2 days of weekend is not enough

Salam, Without realising, its already the 9th day of Ramadhan. How quick time flies, it felt like it was just yesterday that we started fasting. This means that there's 21 days till Raya and only 21 days for us to make full use of this holy month. Use this opportunity wisely as we won't know if we would experience it again next year. Called home yesterday and not surprisingly everybody is at home except me. It's the school holiday and my sibs have been home since the first day of Ramadhan. So not fair, how I wish I was there too. I don't know what's happening to me lately, I've been missing home like most of the time. I wasn't like this previously and I know that I was stronger in the past. I wish I have an explanation to this. Could it be that I'm tired of being away from home and missing out all the fun that they were having back there. How I wish I have the answer to that.  For the time being I'm stuck with all of the assignments t

A new start

Salam, Some of you maybe wondering where had my old blog gone to. Well I did a stupid mistake last night and it costed me my blog. I was supposed to do my Biological Chem report when I suddenly remember that I want to change my blog to my other google account. So I managed to transfer my blog to the other account and then I deleted my old account without paying much attention to all the notice. Later on I thought of updating my blog and when I typed in the address a notice from blogger came out:  Blog has been removed Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs. Waaaaa..nak nangis rase bila tengok notic e tue. As a conclusion, the smart me had deleted my own blog and its been a year already since I first started that blog. Even though I still have access to the previous post but I can't export it here. So, here I am starting anew again. I think this is a sign for me and a reminder that I sh

Nisfu Syaaban

Just nak share with all of you. Tahun nie, Nisfu Syaaban jatuh pada hari Khamis, 6 August 2009. Nisfu dlm bahasa arab beerti setengah. Nisfu Syaaban beerti setengah bulan Syaaban. Malam Nisfu Syaaban adalah malam lima-belas Syaaban iaitu siangnya empat-belas haribulan Syaaban.Malam Nisfu Syaaban merupakan malam yang penuh berkat dan rahmat selepas malam Lailatul qadr. Saiyidatina Aisyah r.a. meriwayatkan bahawa Nabi saw tidak tidur pada malam itu sebagaimana yg tersebut dalam sebuah hadis yg diriwayatkan oleh Iman Al-Baihaqi r.a: Rasulullah saw telah bangun pada malam (Nisfu Syaaban) dan bersembahyang dah sungguh lama sujudnya sehingga aku fikir beliau telah wafat. Apabila aku melihat demikian aku mencuit ibu jari kaki Baginda saw dan bergerak. Kemudian aku kembali dan aku dengar Baginda saw berkata dlm sujudnya, "Ya Allah aku pohonkan kemaafanMu daripada apa yg akan diturunkan dan aku pohonkan keredhaanMu daripada kemurkaanMu dan aku berlindung kpdMu daripadaM

Another semester

Another week has passed in this new semester, this will be my last semester before I camp myself in a research lab. I was hoping for a good start but it didn't turn out as I planned. The first day of new semester, I was already late for the first class (bangun lambat..hehe) then we were given the first assignment which was due the next Monday and worth 10%. By Wednesday, I have 6 research papers to read. No wonder some of my seniors said that third year is tough, they don't even give you the chance to rest and me still in holiday mood really2 don't feel like doing assignment on the first week of semester. Not only that I have to face assignment on my first week, I still haven't decided on my elective yet. I'm trapped between medicinal chemistry and 1st year math. Medicinal chemistry is good for my career but I think the chemistry is too much for me as I struggled with it last year. Maths is just SPM-like math which I haven't done for 3 years. If

The Red Centre: Outback adventure

This post I'm going to tell about my outback adventure with my friends at Central Australia for 4 days and 3 nights. It was a trip that we postponed since April due to other commitments. Although there's only desert and stones, it's actually a very unique and beautiful place. From Adelaide, we took Tiger Airways from Adelaide to Alice Springs.Once landed, we got our rented car from the airport and head to Alice Spring Desert Park. The parks consists of three areas that showcased the plants and animals that can be found in Central Australia. You can also see the MacDonnell range from the park. Next, we head to Simpsons Gap. Simpsons Gap is one of the scenic gap of West MacDonnell range and it's one of the most prominent waterhole. We also saw a rock wallaby on one of the rocks at the gap. After that, we went to checked in at our accommodation and we went out again after a quick dinner. We went to Anzac Hill Lookout that night. Its a memorial place for all Australian ar